I need to jump from one pattern to another without waiting

I’d like - I mean: I really need!- the OT to be able to jump from on pattern to another without waiting the end of the current pattern.

I can do this with my Yamaha RS7K, who is 13 years old: when I’m playing pattern A, I can press on Pattern B and the sequencer jumps from A to B, and keep in the tempo (I can choose an immediate change, or a change at the end of current measure). It enables to make break-beat very easily, and you can have a lot of fun with this during live acts.

It wasn’t possible with the MD : OK, an old gear, I can understand. But it’s still impossible with the OT, and I really don’t understand why.

So, what is the solution ? Will I need to use my RS7K as master and the OT as slave ? Or maybe with Live as master and the OT as slave ? Or maybe the next OS update…

It does. Can be set as a project default, page 37, and per pattern, page 90 in the manual. Change in 2 steps is the shortest setting.


YEAH ! Thanx ! You changed my life :wink:

I thought this function was only for the chain mode…

So, if it’s possible to send CC to the MD, at the begining of each pattern of the OT, the MD will follow the pattern changes done with the OT: it would be perfect.

If you set up the MD to change pattern with midi notes, you can get close to what you want. Though, not as slick as it could be.

is this the same as seq jump on a4?

Semi off topic may be…
Do you know if the A4 supports changing patterns by MIDI note?

No. I believe the A4 picks up on the new pattern with the next step from the old. The OT and MD via midi jumps to step 1 of the new pattern.

is there a way to have both options at hand? - at pattern end, as well as change in 2 steps?

Yes, if you set the option in each pattern. You can have Pattern A1 set to change at its end, and pattern A2 set to change in 2 steps.

cheers - good to know that you can set it per pattern. I was actually more thinking about a way to have one pattern running out at pattern end and also force it to end (in 2 steps for instance) with some nifty button combo rather than going into the pattern settings

You need to press 'function + trig" in order to change pattern, even if you set the pattern end to change in x steps. The pattern does not change by itself, unless if you are in song mode I guess (I never use song mode).

Does the OT support Direct Change when changing patterns by Program Change messages?

A4 doesn’t :frowning:


When I use my RS7000 as a master, and the Ot as a slave, I send Program Change messages to change pattern on the OT. It works, but badly: there is a lag, and the two gears aren’t any more in the tempo.

When I use my RS7000 as a master, and the Ot as a slave, I send Program Change messages to change pattern on the OT. It works, but badly: there is a lag, and the two gears aren’t any more in the tempo.[/quote]
Sounds like Direct Change doesn’t work with program changes neither on the OT :frowning:

The sequencer and the midi implementation of all elektron gears seems to be their weak point: those machines have some really nice features, but when one want to go deep inside specific uses, and escape from a simple linear and binary house music use (poum tchac poum tchac), and mix up with other machines, one feel very desapointed.