Feature Request - Direct Change

Feature Request - Direct Change… also by program change.

Direct Change is a useful feature! it is a shame it doesn’t work when you change a Pattern remotely by a Program Change message.

At least for me no matter which kind of Direct Change I choose, when I change a Pattern by sending a Program Change the A4 behaves like it is on SEQUENCIAL mode (default).

Would someone confirm this?

By the way, I read some Elektronauts who wants to control the A4 from the OT Midi Sequencer using custom Program change messages (the one you set per Part on the MIDI Sequencer). This is not possible because OT send the Prog. Chan. at the first step of the new pattern, so the A4 keeps playing the old pattern one more time. It could be a partial solution to this issue if Direct Change works also when changing patterns with Program Change messages, you can set the A4 Direct Change to Direct Jump and in the worst case scenario it will play just one step of the old Pattern.

Do you agree?


I just discover that too, I need to A4 to change the pattern in direct mode and it does not work from an external trigger.
+1 for to implement this function.

shit, I thought I was stupid/crazy for not getting this to work, but I see it’s a common/design issue.
Please, please, please fix this. It is a no-brainer. For those of us who work in Ableton where things are by the nature of it, quantized already, this is very important!

I didn’t have time to check it yet but I think that there is some kind note to pattern implemented on the 1.1 OS.

Have you tried already in regards to direct change?

Yes, with the multi map pat.play function it is supposed to work, but to me this sounds as a sort of a cumbersome workaround for a pretty obvious functionality. I did give it a try but could not get it to work
Essentially you have to create a separate function mapping for each of these program changes you want to have. I dont think that should be such a complicated process to achieve something that trivial.

try harder.

Yeah, it does work, so that’s some good news! Last night I missed the part that those notes should go on the Performance channel…I thought they had to go on the Programme change channel…
So that’s cool. What’s not cool is that now the Performance channel is blocked only for these pretty dull program changes? If I wanna do all these cool features of triggering different sounds with different midi notes, it is going to clash with the play.pat function, init?
I think really Elektron should fix this bug and let normal program changes trigger patterns the way they should

try harder.[/quote]
If people can get it straight from start, and need to try again and again, I call that a bad implementation.
When you get Midi program change already there but not correctly handled by the box, they offer us some strange Midi multi map options to do it…
common should be better than this:
No midi output of track, no direct program change from midi, no tempo division per track, no transpose from external keyboard are the advertisement I give to people asking me before I list what I like about it.
I mean beside Drive+ and the quadraphony, OS1.1 is not that great.

'tis the season to be jolly ! … Or maybe not
Focus on what it does, not what it doesn’t :slight_smile:

nah definitely better to focus on what it doesn’t and moan & cry about it on the netz.