I made this

This is my favorite forum member track yet. Do you have a Bandcamp/Soundcloud page? Would be interested to hear more of your stuff.


thats very high praise considering some of the cool music people are making and posting here!!! the two tracks on this post are the 2 closest to completion that ive made,but im close on about 3 more and ill post them here when they are ready. :slightly_smiling_face:
im really happy you liked what you heard,and thanks for having time to listen and comment ))i feel honoured by your feedback…faaaanx

of all the people that comment on my stuff i value your opinion the most …its like you have a special insight in to every track … :slightly_smiling_face: any way …thanks

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hi ,i added another track to this post and thought you might like it :slightly_smiling_face:

something newish i made …love to know your thoughts))

I like both of these tracks a lot. Has the over-the-top bass energy and frantic feel of some of my favorite experimental hiphop like Death Grips and Clipping but seems more alien without vocals.

As far as production critique goes, I would say if you’re going to have just a few elements going at once in a mix try to make them sound as massive as possible. More weight in the lower mids and emphasis on the stereo field would help. This album really for me is a reference point of how to put noise and melodic elements (as well as vocals) together in a cohesive way:


artists ive never heard of and very cool too ,i think the nc 17 clip is my favorite,ill definately check more of slaves of fear)))respect for the feedback mate :skull_and_crossbones:

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There’s some good shit on all of Health’s albums, the early stuff was more raw but still had the same basic sound.

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I’m going to give you another, totally different perspective on this. I deliberately listened to it on an old broken iPhone through its near bassless mono speaker. And when doing that the kick/bass at the start sucks the rest of the mix down in a cool but slightly annoying way, but the rest of the track sounded great and the kick/bass that was occasionally audible just after halfway or two-thirds mark worked much better imo. So, I would work a little more on balancing things so that everything is audible but not a sinkhole for the rest of the mix. After all, kids nowadays listen to bass music like trap on the shittiest of systems such as phones in a cup haha. There are many tricks you can research for producing sub-heavy content with just enough harmonic excitement to give the bass elements just the right amount of presence without being overwhelming. That aside, this is fucking fantastic, hectic yet minimal track! Reminds me of digital hardcore from my youth in a way. Keep going!

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thankyou kind sir,your advice and tips mean a lot to me in ways of looking at my tracks that i cant see,i hope your having as much fun as me playing with your elektron stuff :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hell yes. It’s always worth checking tracks on multiple systems to get things just right or at least to hear how people might experience them. If you know anyone that owns a club or massive PA system, that can also be useful if they let you check tracks on them out of hours :slightly_smiling_face:

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good ideas!!! i do like playing throughrubbish speakers that cant handle the bass sometimes…its like controlled distruction of bass overload …ive never played my stuff on a PA or loud system yet ,but id like to,im testing my tracks on good headphones but aloud on a cheap usb speaker so it makes all comments very valuble to me !!!play on brother :skull_and_crossbones: :slightly_smiling_face:

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good morning cool people :slightly_smiling_face:

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hi,anyone want to listen to these 2 tracks?you might like them…i hope so :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

have a good weekend all)) :slightly_smiling_face:

hello elektron world ,hope you enjoy this and let me know what you think about it…sounds a little different than how i recorded it …i dont know why,i can play this tune in a few different ways and i havent decided which style i like the most

hello worldwide elektronauts…!!! heres one of my new tracks …e n j o y ! ! !
have a good evening ))) please leave a comment if ya feel like it …peace :slightly_smiling_face: :skull_and_crossbones: :slightly_smiling_face:

Nice, the mild pad sound was a bit of a surprise and fit very well as a contrast to the tense percussion! Somewhat similar to your other tracks before, but that’s fine because they’re cool, hah.
Sounds like you got some good jams going on :alien: :alien:

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im having fun…hope you are too … :slightly_smiling_face: :skull_and_crossbones:

good morning elektronauts )) have a good one )scroll up if you havent heard undecoded …feedback most welcome