I made this

thanks for the like ))

purple 2 - YouTube

a demo in purple …peace

hi,opinions and thoughts welcome

like this :slight_smile: what are the samples?

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mostly free demo sample packs

Always so good and full of tension, I love it.
And it still sticks here really well to the illustration.
You have to put it all on vinyl.
Maybe put this on the thread
Share your tunes
I have the impression that there is more passage

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hello,thanks for the listen ,i love it that you enjoyed it…im going to take your advice and post it on share your tunes …vinyl …well that would be excellent in the future …but who knows the future , cheers mate,i hope i make make more stuff you like ))

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Great stuff. Maybe do a run of black tapes with artwork, cheaper and easier to do. Not very similar but, in a lateral way, I thought maybe you would dig ueno masaaki, if u don’t know already https://youtu.be/RCtTHCTCe2U


thanks for the link and the listen (i feel so stupid not knowing this ,but what are black tapes?..im pretty isolated form other musicians so i dont know these things

I dunno your music just made me think of black cassettes, black cover etc. colour black

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ok i hope you see the art work and hear the tune instead of going to youtube

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hi,i was just wondering if many people were doing online lockdown collabarations with someone they met on this website,its something that could be cool

It’s really refreshing to hear your music. Unfortunately it’s pretty difficult to find a new music or an approach in electronic music. Thanks for that.

This one is my favourite for now:


wow thanks for saying that ,i really appreciate it ,i agree about how tough it is to find new stuff,frozen flame was one of the first demos i did ,unfortunatley i lost in in a os update,i might remix it later from what i recorded,are you making music?

Yes, I upload some sketches on this thread. They’re just experiments though. I’m still searching my sound, I guess :slight_smile: Current sounds coming from your gear

But I found finally something new and it doesn’t happen often. The last time I had this feeling was when I heard Singeli for the first time. For example:


i really like this …rythm and flow …never heard it before ))

The Singeli is a new sound from East Africa, generally made with laptop and cheap software :slight_smile: I can’t listen to this all the time but I think it’s something new.

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interesting,i love hearing new stuff i like,its rare to have time to search like i used to

hi,i was just wondering if many people were doing online lockdown collabarations with someone they met on this website,its something that could be cool i think.ive never teamed up with anyone ever but would like to.maybe bring a new dimension to my sound.))))

ha,never really thought about it from that angle