HW DEALS : Hardware on Sale [no private listings]

I saw a ableton job ad ca 2 years ago for dev on “push 3”, so I strongly assume that it’s coming.




Demo deals at perfect circuit

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I see that the Korg Modwave and the Wavestate are on sale at a few places in the US.

So for instance :

Wavestate at Sweetwater — $650 USD

Modwave at zZounds — $700 USD

I suspect both of these sales could be on short supplies so check other stores if these are out, because i see both on sale at a couple other places.

This is only me making a guess, but there is evidence that both of these synths may be being discontinued in at least the US. Not sure of this but there is evidence to this effect. Given the recent past with Korg it is possible. EDIT : According to Korg, the Modwave, is not discontinued, but there is a supply chain problem that they hope to remedy this year.

EDIT : Fixed my error with prices.

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Anyone have a guitar center coupon?? Plz and thank you :pray:

144 posts were split to a new topic: Munro Sonic Egg monitors

Damn, I’m a bit jealous you can import stuff with so little or no import taxes to the US. Wish I could have done that, back when the € was stronger and gear much cheaper in the US. But import taxation in Germany was always crazy high, so you would normally end up paying more…

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Looks like there are six more of these b-stock units for $1499 from Korg USA:


Pretty sure if I tried to import these to Vietnam, I’d be hit with 20-50% taxes, and the customs would insist the real price is 3799€.

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That is a good deal and I wish I still lived in the US

So for some unknown reason i decided to browse Juno.co.uk

They state that they can ship to Sweden with VAT already added to the cost. Some of prices they have are €500 lower than other vendors. How is this possible? Is it some additional import tax that will be added?

It seems to good to be true…

This is possible… you pay them the full price inc VAT, then they ship to you and have the courier bill the VAT and import taxes back to them.
I think there are schemes in place where the couriers will then report the taxes to the local governments on behalf of the seller.

I’m guessing I’m charged with the import cost right?

Random question.
I bet there are headphones that are best suited to plugging straight into an M1 earphone socket?

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The M1 can power high and low impedance headphones without a cloud lifter or whatever the amp is called.

You are good to go

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US: Been wanting to pick up an iPad Air for a minute, and I’ve heard that Apple’s got some serious supply chain issues on the horizon, so I started looking a little harder recently. Yesterday I saw that Best Buy is knocking $100 off of the Airs right now:


I didn’t do an exhaustive search, but:

  • it doesn’t appear to be all of the iPad lines
  • it does appear to be all of the Airs

PWM Malevolent is $100 off at most US retailers.


F#.kin hell! I DO NOT want to spend $500 right now.

I have been talking myself out of this over and over! I already have a Grandmother and an Analog Heat… plus the Prophet 6 which all do savage sounds…

I also DO NOT need another monosynth… I have the Mother32 which I hardly have time to play…

Not to encourage your purchasing, but from what I’ve heard of Malevolent I don’t think those synths can approach this level of savagery. This synth sounds like MS-20 and Polivoks territory and beyond.


I KNOW!!! Jeez… I can also get affirm to finance it for 3 months… 0%.

The Prophet can get savage, but I know its dialed in… meanwhile the Malevolent is bloodthirsty baked to its core…

heres an example of the P6… its just to voice memo though…