How to, Guide, Reference, Cheat Sheet, Tips, Tricks

yay, I’ve just hit the motherlode!

As a new A4 user, this is really appreciated, thank you very much.

Great stuff, thanks Olaf!

Great stuff Olaf! Keep it coming! Really useful

Hey Olaf thanks a lot for the great work.

also thanks a lot, absolutely fantastic !

wunderbar! Vielen Dank, Olaf! :slight_smile:

Holy crap. I forgot to save these last time i saw them. Especially like the note sheets! Thank you!

Thanks for the positive feedback!

In response to this, I have updated and expanded the material (e.g tips on compression with the AR and OT) and I have also merged six documents into one. This gives it a uniform formatting and I have also included a TOC with hyperlinks to improve on screen use. The graphics exploit the maximum of a full A4 paper sheet, which is why I keep them in separate files for the time being. (I use these as printouts, whereas I use the other material as a reference, on the computer or iPad). All links are provided at the top of this thread, including this new link to the integrated file:

Elektron Music Production Tips

Happy music making!

WoW … thanks … lot of work … and a great help too.

You da man! Thanks very much for these.

The production tips file is like a mini e-book: essential reading for Elektron users.

Thanks allot man! :smiley:

ne thing; Do you know how i can copy pattern, and paste it without any gap? i know its a combination of buttons, but i cant seem to find it :confused:

My notes have been expanded and revised. I added notes on my experience with the connection of MIDI controllers (Octakontrol, iConnectMIDI4+, LaunchControlXL) and I revised and corrected the section on the xfader transition trick.

The links to the latest version can be found at the top of this thread.

alter schalter! … holy sweet jesus… Olaf…what a treat for us!

This is really a great ressource, i liked also the part of the compressor settings, and the related video was also very good.
I think your manual should be included into the original elektron manual, it explains a lot clearly to the users, also the advantages /disadvantages part, and what to check if problem arises is cleverly done.

As far as i can see, the following tip is not yet included for playing long samples.

I do the following:

I create an atmosphere in Abelton Live, either its 16 or 32 bars long.
In the Octatrack, i use the audio editor and apply a slice grid of 16 or 32 steps.

Now i lock the slice position to a scene, so scene one, gets slice one, scene two slice two and so on.
The advantage of this, is that you can sequence now with the arranger the used scenes, and therefore you can control which part of your atmosphere /pad or long melodic part is played with the lockable scenes.

The other solution would be, that the pattern master length is increased, and you slow down the track clock to 1/4 or 1/8 to set trigs with incrementing slices, but then you would have to repeat that pattern several times until the slow clocked track has been completed. With the above mentioned scene mode you can trigger longer samples over several patterns distributed, which is probably a better solution, if you have the A4 /RYTM slaved, and want to change their pattern more frequently.

wow, amazing Olaf!
crazy how much work that must have been already!

thank you!

‘Sternenlicht’ - I’ll include your tip in the next version - Thanks! Olaf

:+1: :alien: :+1:

Very very useful stuff! Thanks, Olaf!

Kudos to you Olaf! This is a great resource.


Fellow Elektronauts

Winter time in North Germany … less time for surfing and the beach but more time with the machines. I have updated the main document, pulling everything now together in one file and bits and pieces of new material:

Elektron Music Production Tips

The complete list of links to all files can be found at the start of this thread.

Thank you for the feedback.

Happy music making!


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