How to Discourse: tips and tricks

(you may unpin this discussion at the bottom of it)

I have edited countless posts so that a bandcamp, soundcloud or youtube thumbnail is correctly displayed for every user to drop an ear…

More generally, a link is not to be trusted / could be not what it seems to be, bringing the user who clicks on it towards a harmful page.
In a one link per line situation, the link is used by Discourse and a preview is displayed for the users to get information on the source.

Please have a read at this thread so that everyone knows how to use Discourse.

I’d like this thread to be only tips and tricks, please, without e.g. additional comments of what it should or shouldn’t be.
Thank you for your comprehension, and don’t hesitate to drop your own knowledge.

First trick : link alone ⇒ better integration in Discourse

When you want to drop a link, do it with no other character (including space or point): Discourse gives a better integration that makes it more likely for other users to pay attention to your link.

The preview also assure other users that your link is not some smart ass pirate link, so I think it’s really a good practice. :tongue:


Bandcamp links

Just make sure there is nothing else on the line, no other character including space or point.


! Shared System | Tony Rolando


YouTube links

Same as above, just drop the link with no other character on the line.

If there’s at least a character it gives
_ 4utechre twitch stream 20-04-2020 - YouTube

Time tag

You can make your link point on a particular time of the video by adding a time tag such as &t=60s or t=1m

Youtu . be links

They also work:

YouTube shorts

Beware of YT shorts links, their integration in Discourse is still not working very well…

is displayed like this:

It’s better IMO to grab the ID part (P3_Zs5bo1eo) and put before


Soundcloud links

What you want to paste here is a link that starts with

When using the “share” button from the phone soundcloud app, you most likely get a link that doesn’t start with
You have to ignore the first “copy link” button, and got to the three dots that open further options, and copy from there.

If you don’t, the link from your phone will most likely be like

Those can get very ugly:

Once you’re there, you can still get the good link by using the “share” button on this vertical thumbnail. Please remove whatever is after the question mark, including the question mark:


Elektronauts links

or any other forum link: here again, link alone on a line and it works:


Markdown formatting

Beware: while used lightly it can make text more readable, overuse can get in the way pretty fast…

Discourse use Markdown (invented by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz :angel: ) to let the user quickly format their text.

Bellow, I use backticks to get some Preformatted text
(you can use theimage button to get such backticks around your text)
You can also use triple backticks before and after a paragraph. It’s usually made to display code though.

want how
italic *italic*
bold **bold**
italic bold ***italic bold***
big <big>big</big>
small <small>small</small>
small but under the line <sub>small but under the line</sub>
strikethrough ~~strikethrough~~
underlined [u]underlined[/u]
key <kbd>key</kbd>

More on this:

Tables in Markdown language:


Discourse keyboard shorcuts

Just adding something I use all the time - keyboard shortcuts
you don’t have to remember them, you can access the full list by pressing [Shift+?]


Online PDF files

If you want to share a link to e.g. a PDF manual, you can add the page number at the end of the link

I think it doesn’t always work on the phones though.


Spotify links

First, and mainly, one can’t use a Spotify link without being registered.

Besides, Spotify is not fair to artists.
Spotify CEO Daniel Ek even exposed some controversial opinion on how artists should make music, and stated that “some artists that used to do well in the past may not do well in this future landscape, where you can’t record music once every three to four years and think that’s going to be enough”.
Which, IMO, is both bloody insulting to musicians.
And music as an art form, considered here as a mere perishable “content”.

At last, Daniel Ek used $100M of the benefits he made as Spotify CEO to fund AI-powered military equipment, which this world desperately needs.

So, please, don’t use Spotify links on this forum. :pray:
And possibly even consider looking for another way to listen to music…


Hello! When embedding fairplay sites and audio player, I’m observing the following error-

I see there was a semi-related fix in Discourse as of August-

Any update schedule 'nauts is on, or is it fairly stable beyond intermittent bugfixes?

Thank you!

I believe it’s possibly not a simple update that’s required on this site as there are bespoke aspects layered on top … in any case, fwiw, when we frequent the admin pages it pretty much is always out of date, updates are periodic, not regular, so it may just be a waiting game … it’s a developer iirc who maintains this stuff, so i guess it’s new s/w features competing with webby niggles, it’s easy to see how it pans out this way in practice, i guess … just my 2c


To get a proper SoundCloud link on the phone (I’m on Android), simply

(1) get the link from SoundCloud. This will be a link that starts with “on.soundcloud”…, which will result in bad formatting on this forum

(2) paste that link in your phone’s browser – and do not let the phone open your SoundCloud app This will redirect your browser to the proper link, which includes the artist name, album name, and song name.

(3) copy that URL, but also remove everything behind the ?, as OP described

Attention, this doesn’t seem to work for hidden tracks!


Thanks @avantronica! Yes, I understand the custom component and other merge reasons why things are not up to the moment :slight_smile:

It’s just a nudge for the next time that becomes necessary, security or otherwise.

Looks like it’s not just the Faircamp sites, I’m seeing it on other embeds.

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A little late to the party, but thanks for this tireless effort :slightly_smiling_face:


This evening I learned about OpenGraph, and added the relevant metadata to DigiChain, thanks for the info here @LyingDalai , as I wouldn’t have known to look for that otherwise!


Saving a search

Say you want to regularly check what kind of deals the Marketplace has to offer for your region.
To filter other regions deals you might want to make an advanced search.

  1. Click the search magnifier
  2. Click on the “options” link
  3. In “categorized” type “sell” to quickly find the “Marketplace - Sell” category. Clicking on it adds “#the-lounge:marketplace-sell” in your search.
  4. Activate the option “Matching in title only” for the search to be more relevant (and potentially faster). This adds “in:title” in your search.
  5. As you might only wants ongoing deals, activate the option “where topics” = “are open”. This adds “status:open” to your search.
  6. Type the region you’re in, e.g. “UK”, “EU”, “US”, “FR”, “JP”, etc. and hit “Submit” button.
  7. You might want to bookmark the URL it gives for further use. Example for UK (you might as well take this link and replace the final “UK” part with your own region):

Is there any way to filter the categories I see when using the Latest view? I would like to see the latest posts about Elektron gear and other gear, but I’m not interested in Marketplace posts, or all the nonsense discussion in The Lounge.

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Yes, you can mute a whole category.

  1. Go to the category page, e.g. #the-lounge:marketplace-buy

  2. You can choose any in the category menu

  3. Click the bell and choose “Muted”


A tip from me :wink: In order to correctly share something from Instagram, one has to go to the tree dots top-right and select “copy link”, then also a thumbnail appears on here:

Otherwise it just looks like this: