How do you video record you jams?

This may be obvious to everyone else - but I discovered tonight that I can just plug my scarlet 2i2 into the camera kit, and a power supply into the other camera kit port, and it works.

With AUM you can record start filming and the sound just comes from the sound card.

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I use OBS too but I feel like it messes up the bit rate. Things just sound weirder and weirder, especially after youtube compresses the audio again…

A lot less bass is what I have noticed. I wish there was a way to tell OBS to record the video at one rate and the audio at another because the lossless option for MKV creates monster sized files :sweat_smile:

Never noticed this on obs. Sure bit rate I choose is 384k for audio output.

What option are you using?

If you are using Iphone it is better to use lightning to camera adapter which is USB and use USB audio

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Not having camera connecor I used 3.5 mm hedphone to lightning adapter - but only original apple certified works n this case and the sound is mono…

The simplest recording software is Audiotonic. Not a full fledge DAW but the soft to record and alter audio recordings.

It’s a tough one. Our decision was to not have kids, and definitely not have a full time job. Obviously one might require the other, but i believe it’s worth always looking at ways to make stuff work in one way or another, bit by bit. It’s hard tho.

Yes, that’s eaxctly what I’ve been doing, but my issue is that you can’t simply plug in the CCK and USB and be sure that the USB audio will work (at least using the stock camera app). If you don’t plug the CCK into the lightning port, USB cable into the CCK and open the app in exactly the correct order you can’t be sure that it will use the USB audio. What makes it even worse is that there’s no visual indicator (or setting) on the camera app to show whether the USB audio is activated or whether it’s recording using the iPhone’s internal mics.

I was hoping there woud be a camera app which allows you to select using internal mics or USB audio. On my old Android phone there was a “pro” camera app which had that setting, so it was clear that USB audio was enabled.


Hm, I thought there is no problem with incoming USB audio when using camera adapter… strange. I used my adapter not tha much and then sold it and now I want one again to record live jams. I used my old adapter for other purposes and it worked just fine.

What is the Android app you used?

There is. Filmic Pro. The current version is a subscription, the legacy app was a one time fee. It allows choosing the audio source.

MAVIS can display meters while you’re recording, and I believe it’s still a “pay once” app rather than moving to a subscription like most have now - though there are further in-app purchases you will need if you want to unlock everything.

Does this record in stereo ? Just got myself an M6 and unsure wether it is stereo or not. Cheers

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The specs say it’s stereo, but most of the short videos I’ve recorded with mine have been effectively mono.

Edit: DPReview discussion.

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This is a problem I was experiencing too.
After my latest camera connector died, I finally just got a Zoom H2n to record audio while I have a video recording with my iPhone. After I’m done I now use a lightning SD card reader to transfer the wav to my phone and stitch it into the video on iMovie.
Maybe screw with a version of the video in Hyperspektiv, Luminancer, and I’m learning VS for video synthesis. And then I use the blue/green screen effect in iMovie to apply the visuals to either my hands or a surface.

It’s a few less connections at time of recording now, and doing the transfer isn’t too bad. Plus I like the idea of maybe using the H2n’s own mic to try voiceover in the future.

Friendly reminder that if you are recording audio and video on separate devices, make sure you’re audio recording sample rates are the same: 44.1khz vs. 48khz

There are some ways to correct errors but it can be an incredible headache :hot_face:


Just the regular vanilla image/video app. You open it and then plug in your device. It will let you select the audio device


An iRig Pro comes with a cable to attach to a phone.
It runs on 2 AA batteries.
I use one to plug staring into my phone, it sounds fantastic.
That’s one very simple way to get good audio in a phone.


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Thanks for this. I will just try it and see what happens

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