Hip-Hop Beat Battle #19 Loosely rock themed

I just had to post the quintessential Dutch rock song for you guys to sample:

Especially for @Yabba, here’s Bass 3 so you can use it for this one as well! (thats a tone from my fender p-bass by the way)

And bass 2 as a bonus :wink: (thats from my moog gm)


Cheers mate 🫡
I’m so glad you posted it haha
I think it’s ideal for any kind of use, you can filter it to get almost any bass tone you want


I’m in.

drum break

synth lead

Bonus: I record the vinyl version of the track, available 1 week here :


Just to understand. I Can’t use the sample you posted Doug?


A tone from my mynth app

So I can go through a pick any samples others have posted and have to have my beat posted by 3/19?!


Hello mate, I don’t want to speak for Doug but just incase you’re eager to get started…
You can use a combination of absolutely anything posted on this thread except the YouTube sample posted by yourself.

So you can use Dougs main sample if you want, but Doug can’t.


Dope. Got it!! Thanks.


Nah, I’ll update the original thread because I didn’t mention this. We’ve been doing a blind judging thing. So you’ll send me a link to a wav or an mp3 and I’ll put that on a SoundCloud playlist. Once everyone’s voted we can all see who made what.

So hold off on posting your beat to your socials. Also, glad to have you, man!

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Word!! Got you. Also excited to be here as the semi noob to Elektron.


Been hustling every day this week because the brain assumed the deadline was on March 5th for some reason. It’s nice to hear that there is a bit more time now :baby:


oof… not sure i’ll have time for this, but here’s some sources.

i was going to go with a cambodian rock song from the 70s but instead picked some cheese:

and here’s a bass line and drum chunk from different youtube finds:

good luck and happy chopping.


Hello, i would like to participate but i’m a new user so i can’t upload file.I can only up youtube sample.

Can you help me please ?

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You can post your YouTube link now and whenever the system lets you upload your files you can post them then. If the system doesn’t let you upload by Sunday then you can pm me a link to the files.

Once everyone’s had a chance to join, I’m going to put everyone’s files into a folder so that everyone can download them. I’ll just include yours at that time.

And welcome!


Roquefort AOP!

OK @Doug thanks !
My sample:


Nice sample choice fella, fantastic album, my old fella had the gatefold vinyl back when I was a kid, it ts probably sitting collecting dust as we speak…:+1:

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will add some bleeps and bloops later with an edited post
Some SH01-A and a little ACDC on cellos


I’m a little bit late to the party on this one. Here’s my song:

Here’s a few of one shots from my collection:


Thanks !

@Doug: Website don’t want my up and i can’t send pm too :sweat_smile:
Can i up wetransfer link here ?

Damn this is the last day !

I will try to make something on this one, have to try the new DT update !

My main sample, there some nice parts on it, i used to listen that band a lot when i was teenager :fire:

A breakbeat from Led Zeppelin

A bass note from a famous sp1200 sample pack

Hope you’ll enjoy those samples. Thanks Doug for setting this up!


I’ve never entered one of these before but I’ve just updated the firmware on my DT, backed everything up and wiped it so this seems a fun way to get started filling it up again and learning the new machines… couple of questions, I presume that it’s OK to use any FX via overbridge so long as all the sounds are coming from samples in this thread? Also, how do I submit my beat once it’s done?

OK, so the song I’m submitting is from a massively under appreciated and well ahead of their time band from Detroit:

First sample is a little pluck sound that I sampled from Autechre’s Monomachine sysex and the second is a chord I made using Noise Engineering’s Cursus Iteritas.

Looking forward to this!