FaderFox EC4

That doesn’t really make sense to me, because it would restrict you to exactly 16 CCs which are in sync. IMHO the groups are like pages, but all 16x16 entries react to feedback. On one group you have, for example, volumes of 16 channels, on the next group you have a specific fx send for 16 channels. Switching groups would become a hassle when the CCs won’t stay sync.

Sorrily the manual is not really clear about this topic.

Ahh OKay - maybe what I am referring to is the 16 “Setups” :upside_down_face:
= 1 Setup Per OT Bank ?

i mean, all i want to do is for every OT bank to have say, 4/8 parameters (differing parameters - not necessarily on the same encoders from bank to bank) sitting on the top row of the EC4 so I don;t have to remember “oh this track I use the filter, dive dive. and then this track i play with the reverb dive dive”.

moreso I will just know that if i play with those buttons, something, a pre-ordained parameter that i may forget on stage what it actually is - will be a good idea to twist haha.

and yeah I think I might just have to get one and bite the bullet.

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Is it possible to map all the cc parameters in a vst to different groups on the EC4 and then always have them work when you open that vst in Live?

Depends on the VST.
U-He, D16 products allow this.

Others do not.

If there is a midi map page within the VST interface itself then typically yes, it will support saving the assignments.

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Thanks a lot, very helpful. Another problem I’ve encountered now is that if I switch between 2 instances of the same plugin, I get parameter jumps (i.e. the EC4 doesn’t receive a midi update from the VST). Any suggestions?

Did you get the faderfox working with the micron? I am curious if it can handle the wide range of the microns parameters, cause other standard midicontrollers seems not to support such a range for microns single parameters for example to close or open the filter entirely.

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I haven’t gotten the EC4 yet so no real-life answers here, but it is supposed to send NPRN, which is what the Micron needs to receive to respond properly. I think this is why the Micron is so problematic with most controllers.


If putting the track in focus in your daw doesn’t work, I don’t think there’s so much you can do…
Did you use the midi learn function of the plugin or the midi mapping in your daw?
Might be worth trying both ways and maybe try a different plugin.

There might be a way of sending a parameter snaphot to a midi controller, did you check the manual?

Which daw do you use?

Could the OT send the parameters without request? If not with midi loopback should be done.


If the EC4 or the Twister could respond to a certain message with the CC61, you could sequence that from the OT. Could be?

If I just wanted to quickly map some VST or VSTI parameters to some smooth, high res knobs while using Ableton is the Midi fighter Twister the way to go? The EC4 is twice as much and I mainly just use knobs for performing automation on my softsynths in the studio.

CC61 is the parameter you send from a midi controller to request all values of all audio track parameters from OT. OT will send all current values and the midi controller can match its values so both are set to the same state.
What do you mean with ‘sequence from OT’?

I mean that maybe we could leave a trig in the OT that makes the EC4 or Twister send that CC61 when changing parts.

This may involve a MIDI processor.

With carefull midi channels attribution you can achieve that with a midi loopback without need for processing or filtering midi data.

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I wish that more machines could respond to the CC61.

Hi there
Just got an EC4. Seems pretty useful. I am having trouble trying the OT to send feedback to the EC4 for avoid value jumps.
Any advice?

In general you need to send CC#61 from the EC4 with value 0 to the OT’s auto channel and the OT will respond with a bunch of single CC messages for all its internal parameters. Of course you need to connect MIDI IN and OUT to the OT, so you need at least a 2nd adapter cable …

I just answered more or less the same question in another thread. Here is my answer in the other thread:


Yeah – the AUTO CHANNEL is an important piece of information. I just assumed any old channel would work, which resulted in a few wasted hours – I just tend to gloss over things in manuals if I personally think there’s a smart way things ought to be done :sweat_smile:

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Im going to explore the CC61 thing. By the moment I have shared Midi channels in audio - midi. Fixing now.
Thanks a lot!