EZBOT's Tutorials and Templates

Good snare. :slight_smile:
I like to use constant inputs ABCD recording for noise, max mixer gain, +24 db gain, I find it more alive.


I’ll have to try that! Thanks

Very nice. My tip, take the design further, Emulate analogue snare… LFO to start point, release, maybe filter? Be subtle :wink:


My goal is to make a good snare from any incoming signal, mainly a guitar.
I put the fastest rdm lfo on rate, and another on comb filter pitch, in order to make noise.
Max lfo speed is not fast enough.
I add filter, reverb, lo-fi, compressor.
Not totally satisfied with the result yet.

Any idea welcome.

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hmm, this goal is a challenge. The reason white noise is so good for snares, is the frequency content is so wide and so dense. A guitar cannot provide that alone. Perhaps use Lofi effect early in the chain to maximise noise content?

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Yes, I planned to try that with my guitar fx, “clean” on the left, Bitcrusher on the right.

I tried Ot inputs noise gate, thinking I could trigger noise, but noise gates are individual.
I thought about a noise generator, with guitar as “side chain” input. Maybe something to do with the Analog Heat. Pretty sure it’s doable with a Zoia.

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Made a test with AH and a guitar in the left input. Nice noise on the right, increased with the drive as envelope follower destination.
Promising. I’ll test it as soon as possible with OT and your efficient lfo on Q trick. :wink:

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Far from perfect but it kind of works. No samples.
Guitar > AH L > Input A (kick*, bass, guitar)
AH R > Input B (noise for snare, hh, with lfo on Q :wink:)

*Exp lfo on Comb Filter’s pitch, filter envelope.



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In this tutorial I share how to use a FX track to send audio into your Digitakt for easy sampling. (This works with any sampler, not just the Digitakt) Functions wonderfully and makes using The Grid feel even better when you have a dedicated hardware sampler.

This is not an Overbridge video.
Requires analog inputs/outputs.


This is the last video in the drum synthesis series. Hi-hat’s are probably the easiest thing to emulate with a sampler, not that it means it’s the best hi-hat in the world but it’s unmistakably a hi-hat. The video moves really fast but that is because I am going under the assumption that you’ve already learned how to sample white noise from the video on snare drum synthesis. (The snare drum video moves much slower while teaching how to sample white noise.) Thanks for watching the videos and giving me a thumbs up, I appreciate it and it is motivating to continue making content.


Great videos man. To the point, get the job done. Explain fundamentals and leave the user to explore the rest of available parameters for themselves. Love it.


I appreciate you saying that, I feel good about how concise they are. Now back to Bitwig <3

I appreciate these videos as I have just ordered an Octatrack and look forward to exploring its many possibilities as the nights draw in. After a ten year hiatus in music creation I decided this box and a synth is the best way to go into the darkness.

Any assistance is greatfully received , I shall try and find a merlin guide to print asap

Thank you


Welcome, Mike! Glad you liked it, there is 2 others to complete a “club” drum kit. Club kits I think usually consist of a hi-hat, kick, and snare. Anyway, enjoy your octatrack, i pair mine with a Prophet Rev 2. I am a big fan of pairing devices.

Interessing negative filter depth use. Trying it I had more subtle results with filter DEC=0, ATK=0 or a bit higher.
I added the Exp lfo on Q and lowered the Base for better open hh. Happy with my hihat.

I also tried cymbals, bells with square waves. Very interesting!

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That is awesome! I was getting a lot of cool cowbell sounds out of it. Thank you for sharing your results with me <3

Ah, cowbells. Check @darenager’s lab, still possible to participate.

Cymbals are challenging!
I’d like to make a video if I get something decent but I doubt I’ll have enough time. :sketchy:

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Thanks for this!