EZBOT's Tutorials and Templates

A friend of mine asked me to make this video yesterday so I did. Cool story. Here is how to make the beloved tape_stop_effect on the OT.


That’s great! Thanks for posting:+1:t3:

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Awesome! I’m going to give this a try on the DT too.

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it is a good un, i would urge people to add more lfo to other parameters and also change the initial lfo shaper to fall instead of rise and listen :slight_smile:

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Ya, if you change it to rise it’s pretty cool, in fact that’s what I was doing the most at first. I thought the “tape stop effect” was a bit more popular than the “tape speed up effect,” haha. Plus the OP-1 peeps all love the “tape stop effect.”

I had a request for a looper tutorial so I made it short and sweet.


Great little tutorial.

My favourite part is definitely the first guitar solo. Made me smile.

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Haha, thanks. I should have done something fancier but I didn’t frick up the tutorial so I didn’t re-record it.

Good videos! I´d like to see the next one in this topic.

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good video again :ok_hand:

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Another one of my super short tutorials. I know there is an alternate way to do this with changing the CUE outputs to studio mode. Booth methods are legit :slight_smile:


A good tutorial for beginners to advanced users. Took a bit of editing to bring it to under 5 minutes. May the force be with you!


Would it make a difference, if track one had been a flex machine?

Btw, I really dig your tutorials. Subbed some time ago!

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Nice tutorial and good work :+1:

One thing that I’d do after capturing the chain and saving it is to remove all the dead space between the hits, to save memory.


@darenager How do you do that?

Ha! Nice one. I have been thinking of making a tutorial on the same topic for a while. Now I dont have to :slight_smile:

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If I affect, lets say, decay… that will affect all alices, right? Or can I alter parameters per slice? (Ofc. I guess I can just use trig locks?)

I use wavosaur but any audio editor can do it, you’d need to reslice when loading it back in.

Edit: Or use the excellent Octachainer.

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Or you can slice the silence, then delete slice.