Following up on last year’s excellent challenge hosted by @waftlord [from whom I’ve boldly plagiarised the description below] I’d like to set up a new Exquisitely Sounding Corpse No. 38!
Here’s a beat I created to to say farewell to my Digitone.
Download it (or any of its demon spawn below in this thread)
do all, or one, or some of the following with your machines and/or daw:
Timestretch it
Reverse it
Flange it
Pitch shift it
Comp it
Filter it
Tape it
Chop it
Overdrive it
Ringmod it
Rock it
Sequence it
Phase it
Envelope it
Reamp it
McMangle it
Crush it
Harmonise it
Vocode it
‘Verb it
Squash it
Spectralise it
Eat it
FM it
Delay it
Slice it
Legalise it
Heat it
DC offset it
Obliterate it
Soothe it
Retrig it
Blaze it
Equalise it
Groove it
any audio process that transforms it into something different, this isn’t serious, until it is.
One rule: Don’t add any new sounds.
Upload your results below replying to whosever’s audio that you processed, detailing utilities.
There will never be a winner declared. We do this for the sake of pleasure. The challenge may run forever – or at least as long as anyone is having fun.
I think the last one got wayward when people started creating 5 minute looped explorations, cool but what’s the next person meant to with minutes of audio?
I think the most interesting results would be if they were all just a processed version of the prior segment so you just get this further distilled and transmogrified version of the original drum loop. Rather than a 3 minute track out if it.
This way when you listen back in order it’s like a grubby evolution as it passes through our filthy hands.
I guess try to keep things neat and listenable as they progress sequentially, so keep your corpse segments short and sweet. Rules Schmules Fules.
Thank you for a very fun challenge! Here’s my take. (I tried to keep it funky. And harsh, lol.)
I took the loop into MPC Live and wanted to take the quietest part of it to crank the gain and see if there was a rhythmic idea there.
Then I ripped the bass drum, warped it and sent it down an octave. Lots of distorting utilities on it.
The flangey loop coming in on top, is the same beat but sent through a heavily modulated Delay Pro. To top it off, some XY-pad flanging on the master for variation.
In Ableton Live there is some parallell Decapitator, EQ on the highs and dirty limiting with Pro-L2.
I ran the original clip through my modular and A4 into Rytm and sampled there. Chopped and sequenced the samples in Rytm and put on top of that a heavy dose of Rytm’s compression.