Welcome to the Exquisitely Sounding Corpse part 37
Here’s a recording of a nanoloop mono tone:
Download it (or any of its demon spawn below in this thread)
do all, or one, or some of the following with your machines and/or daw:
Timestretch it
Reverse it
Flange it
Pitch shift it
Comp it
Filter it
Tape it
Chop it
Overdrive it
Ringmod it
Rock it
Sequence it
Phase it
Envelope it
Reamp it
McMangle it
Crush it
Harmonise it
Vocode it
‘Verb it
Squash it
Spectralise it
Eat it
FM it
Delay it
Slice it
Legalise it
Heat it
DC offset it
Obliterate it
Soothe it
Retrig it
Blaze it
Equalise it
Groove it
any audio process that transforms it into something different, this isn’t serious, until it is.
A rule: Don’t add any new sounds.
Upload your results below replying to whosever’s audio that you processed, detailing utilities.
This is @waftlord’s original file, timestretched to play at 2/3 speed (0.666, hail Satan!) with a FilePlayer in AUM on the iPad and processed through the Moogerfooger MuRF resonant filterbank…
(Note: it’s not exactly 1.5x the length of the original because I chose to leave in a little silence at the end due to my not stopping the recording quickly enough. Trust the process!)
sampled@Mies_van_der_Robot sound into octatrack.
T5 flex playing file, slowed to rate 26.
custom LFO to phase centre.
Fx1 phaser, fx 2 chorus .
T6,neighbour, LFO 1 to delay time, LFO2 to delay filter base,
Fx1 spatialiser, fx 2 delay
T7,neighbour, random LFO to SSR, fx1 Lo-Fi, Fx 2 Dark reverb.
Recorded badly from mixer via USB into iPad. Normalised in AudioShare, hense fucktons of noise. Not intentional.
Imported file to Digitakt and used it as the source for four tracks,
Made kick to sound like bodily rhythms by picking a loud small section and filtering it,
Played the sample chromatically with some trig condition fuckery to make a leadish thing,
Made a single cycle waveform from a small section of the original to make a bass throb, then throw on a ‘sample start’ LFO to make it rhythmical,
Start working on a high frequency hat type thing and accidentally make a counter melody, so use that instead, with a little manual delay modulation.
Record into Ableton Live, through a glue compressor.
great that you’re inspired, a major reason for trying this one out.
but if you’re just creating variations of the pattern you ended up with; that isn’t really the point, but do share them in current sounds!
instead grab someone else’s and start a new process with that. hopefully that will result in a bunch of new ideas for you too!
i don’t really want to edit the original mission.
but noisefloor from your setup or room (if reamping) are totally acceptable and inevitable sounds that will sum into the evolution of wherever the various corpses end up.
Also replying doesn’t always work, so tag whoever you processed. Will be useful and nice to amalgamate each corpse into its created order after a period of time.
Then someone can start a new one.
If you are agreeable to me plundering your original sample, I will continue my explorations of it as their own thing and I’ll share the finished project elsewhere.
2 for stereo pads at the beginning, one left and -1 octave, one right, lfo on random pitch under 1 value, mapped to single perf with pitch.
1 for kick/snare-like thing, lowlass with resonance and envelope, some trigs locked with reverb and different pitch/filter settings.
1 for hihats, short, high pitch, highpass and lfo on sample start.
1 play something into delay, just different starting and end points.
lots of overdrive both from the master distortion and compressor gain makeup. I abused the distortion because “Corpse” was in the title. I see “Corpse” my overdrive goes to max, thank you for your understanding.
recorded and normalized in Live, no processing. probably could’ve make it shorter
I took @Microtribe 's sound. Created a 7-track file in a simple audio editor. Manually copied and pasted some bits. adjusted levels, did some fades. Merged to mono and normalised afterwards.
layering is a process. i guess as long as it’s whatever you’re using as source you could compose a 30 minute symphony.
i did see it more as Luciers Sitting in a Room, but going through a load of peoples FX chains and setups, each time being warped by a new process when being played from start to finish at whatever speeds. chop it and sequence it are in the mission manifest though!
fuck, it got serious
i hope someone takes 5 secs of @alechko chopped/sequenced/overdriven beatfest attack and turns it into a heartbreaking soundwash.
I got obsessed with surrealist games and methods in college and ran a surrealism meetup for a couple of years. My favorite approach to Exquisite Corpse became “do just enough not to bore myself, but not so much that the co-creation feels anywhere near finished”.
Because there’s a group mind that emerges when everyone involved is doing barely enough to feel like they’ve contributed, and something ends up getting made that no one person would have made alone. Gotta love that!
This is not to criticize anyone’s contributions thus far—they’re all awesome!—just to suggest “less is more” as a possible strategy to try. More of a sequence of smaller iterative gestures as opposed to making “finished” tracks.
I took @waftlord’s nanoloop sample and recorded it directly into the M8 from my phone. After adding a volume envelope and some filtering, I placed it across 4 tracks to create some chords. I then exported the chords into Reaper for a little processing. Maybe someone will find them useful…
did I misunderstood the assignment again?
I thought do not add sounds meant as other samples/synth sounds, did not think about layering same sound will be considered as adding sounds, I can redo the recording with say drum part only, it’s a single track with single sound plocked, that should be ok, right?
I’ve listened to @thejewk’s snippet before doing mine and it sounded like same sound been used on several tracks so I thought it’s ok…
anyway, here’s the retake, drums only…
sample is the original one, single track, everything p-locked with lp filter/resonance and overdrive, the second part of the record is kinda same thing with gate effect created by distortion symmetry, same recording but very different sound…
normalized, no processing.
Forgot how murky the mission waters can get without tight rules and our creative wondering brains.
But yes to resampling+layering, for this one anything goes. Just cos everything so far is great and let’s see what happens.
But moving forwards overthink for future ones:
@Mies_van_der_Robot surrealistic considerations rang true with my original outlook.
Taking the original pen and paper version as stimulus TIME/LENGTH and LAYERING/DETAIL are the areas most open to interpretation.
In the paper game the next player would only have two tiny lines to signify where to start their corpse section from, they can use as much paper as they want before drawing their end lines and folding the paper, usually it’s 3-5 players with head/torso/hips/legs/feet etc. But with this mission the piece of paper could be very very long as the corpse is a formless audio entity until completed.
Audio equivalence options here could be upload the last 5 seconds of you segment and someone interprets this to create a piece of sound from there, only then sharing the last 5 seconds of their result for next person. That could be interesting!
Perhaps having an agreed time restraint (area of paper) of 30secs-2minutes would be a finer way to create sections of the corpse. And that, for the most part, is now whats happened!
Removing resampling/editing/layering from the equation would pull the segments closer together into a cohesive piece slowly mutating and evolving as it changed hands. I think this would be nice for a future version.
Referencing the paper/pen version with this mission: usually players would use the same the pen (prior audio source) and similar paper area/fold (length).
But really anything goes when it comes to what is created.
In terms of detail i think that’s the beauty of the game, having drastically different parts is fun/interesting for an end result just as much as a “less is more” minimalism is.
This part is really ruleless eh.
I really enjoy the paper game results with kids and adults involved
Sorry, it got predictably serious. Ignore this and carry on.