Elk-herd 3.0 beta: Project Import at last!

Thanks for that report - it is very helpful! I’ll see if I can reproduce it… and then I have an idea for how to better handle that situation.

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Putting together my first set on the digitakt currently and assumed i could just copy and paste entire patterns into a project. Shock and horror when i discovered you couldn’t. But you released this with literally perfect timing. Everything is working well so far. Thank you so much.

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Please Digitone!!!


Update: Beta 2 is now live.

  • Undo/Redo for project management operations.
  • When importing, try to keep imported items together, and in an empty bank if at all possible.
  • Notice when Transfer is running, and halt, telling the user to quit Transfer.

Also, if you need to run this without Internet access, you still need Chrome on your machine, but you can download and unpack this archive file, and simply open the index.html file directly in the browser: elk-herd-live.tgz


hi, it is not working over here. it says :

Fetch from Digitakt could not load the project:

Project dump does not have all the patterns.

Some more info might help

Mac / pc / Linux
Version of os on digitakt
Version of chrome

That type of thing

There are two known causes of this problem:

  1. You have Transfer app open. Just quit it, and try elk-herd again. The latest vesion (beta 2) should detect this and tell you long before the project finishes loading.

  2. You are running on Linux. The work around is to use a SysEx librarian to download the file from the Digitakt, and then open the file in elk-herd. Far from a good solution, but there are bugs in Chrome’s WebMIDI on Linux that they have no fix for yet.

If the above doesn’t help - and you are running the latest (just reload to get it!) then please message me with more details about your set up.


Hi , thanks, i am running win 10 on laptop lenovo x220, and the version of dt is is 1.11, just installed it yesterday. Nothing else was open, except chroma with two tabs, elektronauts and elk.
I used usb port for dt, and the second one for audient audio interface (i tried without the interface connected too, no luck)
I also tried to save sysex file to my laptop (using c6, and when that didn’t work, midi-ox), when i tried to load that file to elk, it says:

Error reading project:
Does not parse as SysEx messages (count was wrong)

version of chroma :
Version 77.0.3865.120 (Official Build) (64-bit)

If both midi-ox and elk-herd have problems fetching, something is not right with the connection between the computer and the Digitakt.

Make sure the Digitakt is not on Overbridge mode, and is set to MIDI out over USB only.

If you private message me the file midi-ox saved I will look to see if there are any clues.

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yes maybe, but it did received new os update with no problem over the same connection. Midi was usb only. no overbridge mode, i don’t use overbridge.
I will send the file to u. Thank you a lot for your help

Is there any chance that you will be making something like this for IOS?
forget a beer, I’d buy you a brewery!

As much fun as a brewery would be… iOS is a bit of a challenge: The browsers aren’t allowed to have any MIDI access (!) - and so I’d have to re-write the whole thing as a native iOS app. That’s a tall order for just one platform.


actually that’s what I was talking about, an actual app… I know it’s what many digitakt users have been craving, and every single digitakt owner owns an iOS device !
to be able to do this on the go with your iPad/iphone and your digitakt would be incredible…

just a thought.

Well… not sure that’s true… Actually, if you had an Android tablet (I know, I know, practically no one does…) then elk-herd would work on the go for you! Also works with Chromebooks… :grin::grin:


no way. I am very far from owning one. And I know I am not the only one.


This is such an amazing (and promising) piece of software – look forward to seeing where it goes!

Thanks so much for your efforts on this. Lord knows why Elektron don’t bundle something like it as standard! The menu diving to set-up samples for a new project is by far the most laborious part of the Digitakt’s creative process; it does the job when on the move, but something like your utility is vastly preferable when sat working at a desktop.



Beta 2 running smoothly. Many thanks for giving us this brilliant utility for the DT.

Will there eventually be a way to allow us to automatically back up to our PC/MAC the user samples identified in a project? This would then finally give us a way to quickly fully backup and restore our DT projects.


Back up project + used samples from the +Drive is the top requested large feature. I’ll tackle it after 3.0 is released (which will be sometime in the next two weeks).

The stumbling block is that you probably want the samples downloaded into a file tree that matches the parts of +Drive structure they use. But that is going to require me to generate a zip file within JS - it’s doable, just a bunch of infrastructure work to incorporate a JS zip library.

Restore would likely come later - though if you needed to manually restore, it wouldn’t be all that hard: just two upload operations…


Personally I’d be happy having a folder on my HD that held all the relevant user samples (presumably this would also work for any user Sound Pool related samples too) in one distinct place - without needing to retain the DT’s internal folder structure which as you suggest might be tricky to implement.

The only concern in this scenario might be that when restoring a project and its samples, that any resulting duplicate sample files might fall foul of the Digitakt’s file management policy which seems to refuse the creation of identical files located in two separate places within the DT +Drive. One way around that would be to maybe alter a single byte on the stored copy sample, so that when restored the DT wouldn’t refuse to load the duplicate. The drawback - apart from the added complexity of altering the wav file data would be that you might end up with duplicates on the +Drive, but personally I’d find this approach easier to manage - each project’s sample data would reside in a project folder on the +Drive.

Might not suit everyone though.

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not necessarily.
i´d like to have the samples put into a own folder called the same Name as the project. Thats all.

guess i´d like to wipe out from time to time my whole plus drive. Erase all samples.
just keep what was used.
…then walking fresh from there.
load back the projects plus the folders with those “project related samples”.

anyway, awesome work Mark ! VERY MUCH appreciated !