Elektron Syntakt - live user reflection

… one track raw, ring mod mode …

As video: DEVOURED BY SQUARE WAVES - Syntakt RAW - YouTube

… and a faster one, with more plock variation …

(both direct audio, no post processing.)


Hard as nails Jeanne :slight_smile:


I was not impressed with the Syntakt either and glad that I bought a new Rytm instead. My friend let me try out his new Syntakt and it sounded weak until I ran it through my Analog Heat. In contrast, the Rytm sounds massive on its own. Just my experience with both. Plus finger drumming pads on the Rytm makes it feel more like an instrument than the Syntakt.

But you said you enjoyed it in the other thread :thinking:

“Sounds weak” is a bit of a copout comment imo, especially given some of the sounds that some have been able to get out of it (cf. Jeanne’s clips immediately above). The default sounds will always be a little on the smaller side until you start pushing them. I like it this way. It means I can also get subtle sounds out of it.


I enjoyed it once I ran it through the Analog Heat but on its own not so much. I like Rytm way better.

I think the init sounds and settings are the problem. They are really discouraging (at least for some). For comparison, the Analog Four just makes “beep” and invites you to destroy the world.

Since I use my own presets as a base = never-hear-the-original-init-sounds-again, I’m having a total blast :stuck_out_tongue:


Since I use my own presets as a base

Love that idea, do you just save them as patterns in a project?

If syntakt sounds weak you’re doing it wrong. Sorry :man_shrugging:
Maybe if you leave everything very vanilla I guess.

But I have both rytm and syntakt and both can sound weak and amazing. Just need to pilot it right.


I just have them in my sound banks sorted by type (bass, kicks, snares) :wink:


Stock default kits no presets the Rytm to me sounds better. To be fair, I would need to A/B both Syntakt against Rytm using same level of distortion and compression.

So, your reasoning is based on default Sounds?


It’s based on building same configuration on both. To my ears the Rytm sounds better. A test A/B would most likely prove me right or wrong. Plus Syntakt not as user friendly.

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Ok. You’re comparing the same Machines from both devices.

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Yes and don’t get me wrong the Syntakt is good especially with Analog Heat but I like finger drumming analog and ended up with Rytm even though it’s more expensive.

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Note to self: Turn down volume before playing Jeanne’s tracks. :exploding_head: :slightly_smiling_face:


Whoops sorry, personally I always turn the volume down before I click on anything here :stuck_out_tongue:
I could normalise to a quieter volume in the future. I just hope the 00’s don’t call to tell me louder is better!


No, it’s cool. I like your brutal style. My volume was turned up from some kind of vintage video and suddenly this hyper flash of atomic force was shot into my ears. I was shocked but also enjoyed it. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’m looking at my syntakt across the room asking myself how I would achieve similar levels of sonic brutality and devastation from it as you’ve demonstrated here! Any tips beyond the obvious??

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Haha! :ecstatic: Well, you can always become a Patron and get syntakt (and digitone) project files and all kinds of infos (there’s also a Patreon Discord) … cough dissonant witchcraft | creating music and art | Patreon cough :wink:


oh, well shit haha, I was unaware! I’m a filthy casual around here these days, lol. Thanks for the tip, I’ll peek around!

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