Isn't the Analog Four the most incredible and deep instrument from Elektron so far?

I was about to post it! :wink:
Big thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to go through it.


Does anyone know when the grey ones(Mk2) were phased out? I see one for sale and im tempted.

Ask for the characters 3 and 4 of the serial to get the year the machine has been built.


So I was just playing on my mki (dark dustepish) and have a questions for Syntakt owners. How does the raw sound stack up between the two units? I am quite versed in the differences between synthesis types in both units and lack of polyphony on the ST, but want to know more about how the raw (pun intended?) sound compares.

Specifically, demos of the ST sound quite polished and I’ve yet to hear anyone complain much about the overall sound (vs. the A4 which has always caught a lot of flack). Yes I’ve listened to online demos but haven’t heard the ST in person.


Subjectively, I think the A4 sounds more interesting and can get quite crazy. The Syntakt I found never appealed in the same way.

Some people are doing good industrial-style stuff with the Syntakt, but I found I always struggled with the basic sound a bit.

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Here’s one track RAW (using the ST’s fx drive): Elektron Syntakt - live user reflection - #67 by Jeanne (two different short jams)

And something from this morning: Elektron Syntakt - live user reflection - #88 by Jeanne

The thing is, the init sounds want to make you believe it’s a cheap plastic toy, which couldn’t be farer from the truth.

RAW sounds big and brutal, but I often miss (for RAW) the second filter the Analog Four has (for percussive stuff). Of course, it’s possible to use the filter of the analog fx block to have two filters, but since I prefer to use the analog fx block for different stuff, I haven’t done that so far.

I loved the Analog Four from day one of using it (my first day impressions are somewhere above), but my relationship with the Syntakt was sometimes complicated. The recent update however made the ST my favourite thing since release.


Bought a syntakt yesterday
Love my a4
I feel like syntakt is not for me.
Sounds flat, feels like I should give it more time


Nothing wrong with having two A4s if that’s the sound you’re after. :grin:

Edit: Not that it really matters, but I was never tempted to buy a Syntakt from day one.


Chutttt :shushing_face: don’t say that, if the ones of syntakt thread ear that, you gonna have problems :rofl:


Agree…Syntakt sounds weird. Not for me.

my Elektron boxes are an A4 mk1 which I bought from a buddy over a year ago and more recently I bought a Syntakt. I found the A4 tricky to integrate into my studio tracks, but found it fun albeit confusing for just sofa/headphone jams.

The Syntakt has made me just spend time exploring grooves again, spending a bit more time exploring stuff than on the DAW, but I agree there’s some concern over how the machine actually sounds. I just need to write some stuff and try mixing the sounds in with other gear and play it out on sound systems, that’s the only way for me to get good perspective.


I saw a mkii analog 4 on reverb the other day for 700$… reputable seller and claimed no functionality issues… I just got a matriarch otherwise that would have been an instant buy


The Digitone is worse : only sine waves. Can’t be flatter. :pl:
Default sounds… :roll_eyes:


I :heart: sine.


Soooo….incredible a4 mk1 users….is there a way of merging tracks to free up precious steps?
I often create wonderful mess and then want to add to it but can’t because I’ve used up all four tracks then I look at my steps and realise if there was a function to boil it all down to two or three tracks then I’d have a free track…rather than plugging in another box…(also why did I sell my old fucked up MD it had the best sine wave?)
Anyway if there’s a ‘merge tracks’ function then please tell me, if not then please sell me more boxes :wink:

No, there is not.
What you can do though is save a track’s sound as a “SOUND” in your Sound Pool.
This way you’ll find it relatively easy to recreate the track within the other (press a trig and turn level to lock the sound to your trig).


this is what I do.

Righto thank you

My songs on my A4 are very minimal, since there are only a few tracks.
sound locks do help.

What really helps is my looper, to go from one song to the other. A lot of time, you hear 2 songs, one from the looper and the other from my a4, mixing in. At the end, 4 voices are definitely enough. Sound locks are amazing, but to set up new sounds, then copy them and then sound lock them is a hazzle.

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Yeah the looper sounds like the key there - still have to dig out my pigtronix thing to hook up and try this - very excited by the prospect!!!