Dreadbox Erebus

Those look dope as hell… always wanted the original Hades.

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Ive recently built the Dysmetria which is a full kit.

This might matter to some: The Erebus and Hades kits are partially pre built, the main board is all done for you. All thats left is pots jacks etc.

I was looking at the dreadbox kit, then I realised my SV1 is essentially the same thing.

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:rotating_light: Kits are currently available (limited so act fast!)

I nabbed an Erebus - passed on the Hades in the end no doubt I’ll regret not just buying both…

They’re a fair bit cheaper than the built units, very simple build and it looks like the built ones are now available in December, so pushed back.

Yeah, I have an SV-1 which I always look at to remind myself that I don’t need most other 2-osc patchable monosynths - and I’ve got a lil’Erebus and the first version of the DIY Hades kit in my rack anyway. Oh, and an Erebus v2…

I do want a Dysmetria one day though.

Did you happen to notice anywhere if they mention if the built units will be limited also? Or is the kit version the part that is limited edition

I think it’s just the kits that are limited availability!

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Im looking to add a reverb pedal into my Erebus equation and im curious what folks are using, pedal wise. Looking for suggestions, recommendations, etc. Probably not looking to spend too much more than around $300. I have a Typhon, and have yet to check running the Erebus through it for effects, but im kinda burnt on the Sinevibes effects on it. Looking for that new new.
also, though i dearly love the delay on the Erebus, its kinda annoying too. Loud. Distorts the signal. So suggestions along those lines are welcome too.
I have the v2.

Vermona retroverb lancet.
(Unless you dont like spring reverb)

Gives you reverb plus filter plus balls plus LFO and envelope.

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How about a Dreadbox Raindrops? It can do some quite interesting things with the reverb/delay combination, stereo out from mono in; the only thing that would be good to have when paired with the Erebus is cv i/o.


which version you got?

  • Source Audio Ventris (Dual Reverb)
  • Source Audio Collider (you have Delay and Reverb and you can combine them anyway you want)
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I have the v2

So I could put reverb on only one of the oscillators?
That would be cool! What other applications are you thinking?

This conversation has seriously derailed. And the Dreadbox Hypnosis has not even been mentioned!


Please let’s come back to the Erebus.

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Unfortunately not as the Erebus v2 doesn’t have individual audio outs for each oscillator.

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Right right…
Didnt have it in front of me and i was confusing the inputs with the outputs in my head.
Aside from that Im very green as far as patching goes. A moderate amount of thought about the signal path does in fact reveal that that would not work…

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Do I understand it correctly that with some soldering it would be possible to give the v3 individual oscillator outputs? Is it as simple as soldering the wires to the right points on the PCB?

The v1 Erebus was one of the synths that got me into this whole world of financial torment. I foolishly sold it a few years back, as I thought there was too much crossover with my other mono synths. I was wrong.

Thankfully, I managed to get a hold of one of the reissues, and did a wee thing on it:


Is that new reissue version of erebus more tuning stable than the older ones?

I don’t think so.
Dreadbox mention: Suggested room temperature for best oscillator stability: 18-30 Celcius

Sold the v3 despite its glorious patchbay.
I haven’t gelled with it as much as the Erebus reissue I have tried a year ago.

@cupfungus you make very good points!

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