Drambo (iOS)

Does anyone know how to copy, paste and clear scenes? I do the edit and copy and paste but don’t really get how it works?

Double tap the letter next to the crossfader you want to copy/paste/clear. You can also clear individual parameters when editing a scene by double tapping the knob,slider,etc.

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Some of you might have followed my OT stem-journey.

I’ve just put these same stems on Drambo (much easier btw…just upload them to the iCloud) and played around with getting this song performed. I just might be using Drambo for this project now. Have access to 8 tracks AND a master track (all with unlimited FX and modulation…) is a huge plus to me. On the OT I had to forego one of my tracks in order to have a master.

The only downsides are that Drambo isn’t as tactical, of course–the age old hardware vs software. I also don’t yet know my way around Drambo quite like I know my way around OT so I end up scratching my head a bit. An iPad doesn’t look as cool on stage as an Octatrack.

But setting slices on transients is way easier with the touch screen. The pattern length features are of course way better.

I may use both. Because I don’t know (and I’d like help with this if someone knows) a way to go from one song to the next smoothly. On Drambo I’d want to load up the next project as the next song, leaving some empty space in the middle. I can use the Octatrack to fill that empty space, I think. Maybe just have the Octatrack there for sounds and colors while I get things set up for the next tune. Makes me wish I hadn’t sold my 404SX.

Could t u use octatrack as midi controller to drambo ?

Or another iPad / iPhone via Bluetooth.

Lack of iOS/iPadOS knowledge here but would you say I’m better just using iCloud for sample management or should I look to transfer samples into my iPad “permanently”?

It doesn’t look like you can offline folders in iCloud and I’m thinking ahead to times I’ll be away from WiFi. I know there is some behind the scenes magic that will store recent/regular files locally (I think) but not sure how reliable that’d be.

Likely not taking huge sample libraries here. Just some of my favourite Sample From Mars drum kits to begin with. I’ve got a 256gb to play with so won’t be lacking in space any time soon.

The old way would be get something like a RAVPower Filehub and use that for wireless backup of your iPad files.

New way is to use the Files app for file management and any USB drive you want - if the iPad is one of the newer ones with USB connector.

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I honestly didn’t see another way to do it but I must be blind. It didn’t seem possible to just drag/drop files into my iPad…So I had to use iCloud. Which actually isn’t too bad, because it’s less stuff to plug in. Just upload a folder of drum samples, and then go into Drambo and download them. It’s more convenient than, say, connecting my Octatrack, dragging the files over, loading them into the slots, blah blah blah…

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It’s Saturday. Had a great day with the family. We’re all exhausted. Everyone is dreaming. Sleep can wait.

Time to Drambo.




Yeah saw that way but I presumed Drambo was making a shortcut to the file in I cloud rather than downloading them permanently. I could be wrong though!

I got around it for now by putting the files I want on to a usb in the structure I want then copying them over into a folder under “iPad”. I can also copy folders out of iCloud over to “iPad” I guess.

Maybe I’m overthinking things :joy:

Hi there !
Great one !!!
Btw you seem to be playing on an 12.9 ipad, would you mind sending a screenshot of the normal view in Drambo ?
I run it on a mini and find it a bit cramped !
Thanks !

It seems to me they’re downloading them permanently because theres a little loading circle whenever I import them and it always says how much space is left on my ipad

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That really is rather beautiful

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Audio Share is the app for storing and sorting files on your iPad and moving them between apps

Many thanks. Glad you enjoyed the track :facepunch:t3:

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This is the tutorial I’ve been working with over the weekend to learn more about module connections and modulation ideas. Ben gets very speedy at times, just sending modules flying in and out, so I had to pause and rewind a lot to understand what’s going on. I think he assumes you already watched another video on the basics of putting modules together. But I don’t mean to sound whiny - just putting the caveat out there for fellow beginners to modular patching.

I’m truly grateful to Ben for making this video

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Took the above track into flexiSampler with some additional bits and decided to reimagine it a bit differently…man oh man how i love this Drambo workflow from BeepStreet :pray:t3::two_hearts:




A minimal / acidic vibe on this one… Again, all Drambo only. No sampler modules used.

Decided to try out a few new things today in Drambo, and all I can say, is that this app just keeps making music a ton of fun for me. Hope everyone is enjoying Drambo as much as I am. Blessings and Peace to all of you:



My entry for the 1st Drambo Music Contest on the Drambo Facebook group. Rule was a 3 minute track only using Drambo in stand alone.

Aren’t constraints fun :shushing_face:


Not sure if this has been mentioned, but if you want to avoid using Link due to the cycle wait time I found another solution. Open Audiobus3 and slave the midi to the OT using mio and CCK. Then open AUM as an IAA in AB3. Then open everything else up in AUM(Drambo, Model D, etc). Now transport and clock all come from the Octatrack. When opening patterning2 as an IAA in AUM I had to sync its clock to AB3 though.

Edit: hitting play on OT starts AB3 and AUM transports with this method.