DIY: OT Pickup Machine footswitch (now with final pics!)

It’s possible to use an optocoupler with the Arduino circuit, isn’t it? IIRC I saw that kind of thing for small midi din “modules”.

Yeah, I used one in my DIY footswitch pedal. It’s in the MIDI association recommended schematics, so that if something goes wrong with your pedal the gear that you connect it to is not affected!

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Just wanted to mention that I tested a PCB prototype for this project (without the screen, since I felt it wasn’t adding much functionality and added to the cost/coding complications), and hopefully will have the final version ready in the coming weeks! Link to the prototype post in the lines forum:


Just uploaded the V1.0 board, here is the link to github! You can order your own boards if you are interested, or if you just want one DM me, I have a few left from the last order :slight_smile:


Hello to you all,
i know this is a relative ‘old’ topic, but…I’m looking into this to build myself a MIDI footswitch for the Octatrack, and the 5 switch version really appeals to me.
I already have the Arduino, so I guess I could manage this pretty fast.
Just to be perfectly sure; This works correctly for you? The Octatrack doesn’t ‘bug’ with the FS?
Are there any schedules available (for the wiring part)?

Thanks in advance,

I posted an example of my wiring in the first post, with arduino UNO as an example. So far it has worked fine, if your code is good the octatrack only needs to interpret a few basic midi messages after all.

Thanks Markel, i will use your example, if it works it’s perfect for me!

Great projects guys! Also working on a MIDI switch adapter myself – one where you can plug in cheap $20 amp pedals and program them to produce MIDI cc to control Digitakt (or anything else that can receive them).

Would love to hear your feedback: Working on a footswitch adapter device for Digi/Octo, would appreciate your feedback

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