Digitone vs A4... which one to buy?

In my opinion, the digitone is easier to program than the A4. The A4 is deeper. The digitone has more sweetspots. Only sweetspots actually if you ask me.
The fm on the DN is no problem to learn. Invest some weeks and you will get there easily.
As you already mentioned, it’s also a joy to not always know, where you end up when you create sounds. That’s the beauty of fm for me, and especially on the DN cause they picked the parameter ranges and combinations so that it always sounds good.
I love both synths, but the DN is more instantly satisfying I think.
And while not emulating analog synths particularly, the digital filter sounds super lovely, so while digital, subtractive synth sounds are easily achieved. It sounds super hifi and also punchy. Production ready I would say.
I could say many great things about the A4 as well, but you seem to tend towards DN so I thought I just encourage you for that decision. Don’t be scared of Fm, it could not be easier and more user friendly implemented as on the DN imo


Cost does come into this as well. I’m lucky enough to be able to afford a £1100 synth but I don’t take it lightly as that is as much as I would spend in 5 years on software. I want to be able to enjoy this thing for some time and not feel that need to buy more.

I think if I can get past my own issues of expectations and enjoy it for what it is then I’ll be fine with a £650 Digitone. I get enjoyment from my M:S (techno jamming now) but having to choose and pre-load samples just milks a lot of the immediacy out of it for me.

Does anyone know if Elektron stuff ever gets a decent Black Friday discount anywhere? It’s not a cheap purchase for me so if I can save a reasonable amount on the best UK Digitone price (currently about £630) then maybe I’ll wait.

If you want to hear some stunning DN tracks check Ivar‘s latest videos


As far as forum feedback- plocks make more sense. personally, with subtractive synthesis than FM. its more likely that you have a better understanding of what you’re affecting with sub synthesis than with FM.

But from a wreckless point of view- the digitone will provide you greater unexpected results

Im dying here! I can’t decide DN or A4 :frowning: …probably neither
Im not smarter after watching all those videos on yt, probably 50 of them. Tbh im only sure that now i miss my Mnm even more!
It’s surprisingly sad how similar A4 sound in those yt videos! Many talented ppl on yt but i mostly hear the same sound design, 99% the same genre, and I don’t know who’s to blame? A4’s inability to sound more diverse or the prevalent stylistic trend? Im not sure that i can make it sound ‘mine’ as I could with Mnm.
Digitone demos obviously sound more diverse but im not convinced it’s more interesting than Mnm and I don’t want do regress

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I had the same question and decided for an A4 … I am glad I did


A4 definitely.


the latter, if anything

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When I had an A4 for like 6 months, I made very diverse sounds with it. Some went into a harsh noise release, some for ambient passages for a podcast, drums for an industrial metal / rock song etc.

It’s exremely versatile. If most people on YouTube just remake the same sounds and either techno or ambient, doesn’t mean that’s all it’s capable of. It’s a modular synth in a box with 4 voices, it’s capable of pretty much anything, especially if you add some outboard effects. IMO it really needs an external filter, something with a lot of character since the built in filter is quite neutral.


I made a video comparing my thoughts on the DN vs A4:

The short of it is that I like both for different reasons: Digitone has more voices, is less complex and thus makes it faster to work with IME. Easier to make full tracks on because of that. The A4 on the other hand gives you way more sound shaping options but has fewer voices. For me, working with the A4 is slower because there are so many things to tweak, and making full tracks using only 4 voices takes more creative thinking and workarounds. As for sound, I’ve been going back and forth on which one I like the most. Right now I’m in an A4 period :slight_smile:


I’d buy an A4. (Caveat: I have a DN already.)

Obviously, neither will replace a MnM and if buying neither is an option, then maybe do just that.

I find the DN ambient (and techno) ”scene” pretty boring for the most part but it sure does lend itself great to that dusty ambient sound. However, the DN masters have shown it’s a very capable and versatile device. The same goes for the A4.


I’ve had both and the Digitone is more interesting to me. You can get analog-style sounds out if it and much more. The A4 has a few extra modulation options but the core timbre is much more limited. Easy choice with the Digitone being half its price.

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True if you buy a new A4 mk2 but A4 mk1 and DN prices are very similar. Both in the 500€ range here in Finland.

You’re also right in that the DN is capable of pretty analog-like sounds. Those are actually some of my favourite DN sounds.


I’m extremely tempted to sell my 0-coast and buy an A4. But then I’d know the same issues with it would make me want to sell it and buy something simpler. Woe is me

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My thoughts exactly. You know there’s one available in the usual place right now? 550€. I’m trying to hold my NGNY pledge and it’s not like I NEED one right now. (Do we ever?)

Yeah… I’m tempted! Not enough to put on my buying pants, but still

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If we lived in the same town we should probably buy it together. You know, an A2 each. :grinning:

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Hah, for sure! My band has a studio space in Turku and they’re always buying gear together. I only go there so rarely that I haven’t taken part, but I am jealous of their arrangement. 4-tracks, old Boss mixers, synths, all kinds of effects and filters, vintage Heil mics etc… It’s easier when there’s 2-3 people paying.

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to me the DN 8 voices are a big plus but I prefer the sound and explorations on the A4.
It has more character to me.
And I prefer making melodies on A4 with the extra mini buttons keyboard being separate from the step buttons


The Mk1s are great value for sure. The Mk2 is even pretty good value if you use it to its full potential (CV tracks, 4 deep mono analogue synths, Elektron sequencer).

I think the DN is a much better poly synth and groovebox though. And as far as analog monos go, there’s a lot of alternatives on the market I prefer the sound of.

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