Digitone feature requests!

Does anyone know if there’s a way to control the mutes of a pattern you have queued up? If not, that. Sometimes I mute parts to transition out of a pattern, and want to return to that pattern later, but with the parts I muted playing. Is this possible?

It’s a problem with any pattern you want to re-use but also modulate by hand during a set.

You can put this with the request to have an ‘auto save’ on/off option.
So when switched off it makes patterns go back to their saved state when loaded, including the mutes.
Shouldn’t be too difficult to implement.

See, I want to be able to do it while performing, not necessarily after switching the unit off. Maybe holding a button while selecting the pattern could load the version that’s “saved” vs its last state?

refers to:

As in a setting per pattern, like on the Zoom ARQ.

You can check the manual for pattern mutes (purple) and global mutes (green). I think want you want to do can be achieved with pattern mutes. It’s a bit confusing in combination with global mutes though.

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Ah I see, my bad I misunderstood!
Also re: pattern mutes I almost exclusively use pattern mutes, but my issue is when staying in a project there’s no way to reset them when moving back to a pattern, at least that I’m aware of?

If you pattern-mute tracks in a pattern they will of course stay that way after you move away from that pattern. That’s expected and wanted by most. So use global-mutes and you can mute or unmute freely across patterns.

We’re lucky to have pattern mute on the DN - it’s wanted by many on the other machines like the AR and OT.

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Btw, are there people sequencing the tone from the OT?

The issue with global mutes is oftentimes unmuting the tracks as the pattern changes doesn’t sound “right.” That’s why I want an option to reset them when moving back, not the behavior of pattern mutes themselves to change. Also this feature doesn’t have to extend to just mutes. Would be cool to have a way to load the default state as a whole, resetting the other parameters too.

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There definitely are. I did a bit when I had an OT (just sold it last week). The biggest issue I had with doing that was that incoming MIDI overrides the DN p-locks/sound-locks, which was an issue for how I rolled.

I really wish the DN was 8 tracks/32 voices. I know we won’t get that this time around, but I’m holding out hope! Even adding 4-8 more voices to the current 4 tracks would be glorious.

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It’s probably already in here a couple times, a proper KB SCALE mode.

2 row of trig buttons in scale, LaunchPad Pro style.
Or Zoom ARQ style, where the trigs reflect the track color.
So we would have all red, yellow, green or purple trig keys.

KB SCALE should not filter notes on auto channel, but instead transpose them to scale or just leave them alone.

KB SCALE should also affect the arpeggiator to play in scale.


I actually expected the Digitone Keys to have a couple extra voices compared to the Digitone when it came out.
Was kinda disappointed by that.

But it looks so good that I still want one…


Arp Hold on the digitone pls. A simple Func+Yes when in the arp page

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Please make a “Reload All Patterns” entry in the Pattern menu for instantly reloading all patterns to their last saved and Temp saved state.

I still find that this is really needed so that you don’t have to go through each pattern and reload it manually. When you are jamming through patterns in a bank and have made changes to some patterns which you then want to keep (saved to the Temp Area) but may have left some patterns in a changed state that you don’t want to keep you have to go through all those patterns and reload them so that they are not saved with the project in this undesired state. It would be so much easier to just reload all patterns in one go.


Please can we be able to audition sounds using an external controller, after double tapping on a track button and cycling through the sound menu? At the moment you can only audition sounds using the on-board note trigs.

I can use my Keystep to audition my sounds. It’s set to Ch 10 (auto). Maybe something is not correctly setup?


Some resonance on the base/width filter would be dope for making bandpass sweeps.

On the Master window the menu is a bit weird : the reverb, chorus and delay are for inputs, but the OD is a real master OD (maybe am I wrong). I’d prefer an input OD rather than a global OD, which would be more coherent with the other effects.


Thought of a neat idea for kits that could be implemented on both the DT and DN.

Allow for each track’s sound to be marked to carry over to other patterns, or to be changed. For example, I want to keep my bass sound and all live tweaks from pattern 1 to carry over to pattern 2, so I click the little checkbox in the sound setup menu. I want my lead, however, to change from P1 to P2, so I leave a little checkbox unchecked. This would allow for so much more flexibility when playing live with both machines and would satisfy those who love kits and those who don’t.


We definitely need wavetable mode for each operator.
Nick Batt did some cool four op fm synthesis with Hydrasynth. It should be doable with DN.