Digitone feature requests!

VA and SID engines and name change to Tonemachine.
iPad audio interface.

no , no arp in the midi section …

Would be nice to set the modulator envelopes initial amplitude so it doesn’t have to come up from 0 unless you want it to.


Create random locks function like the octatrack

Would be nice to have the search filter functionality while viewing only Pool sounds.

For example if I want to only see the snare sounds in the sound pool so I can plock them. As opposed to right now where I constantly have to scroll through the whole pool list every time I want to lock a different sound.


Separate FX send per L/R input.

It’s already very cool that you can centre L and R inputs, essentially getting 2 inputs.

It would be awesome to be able to adjust FX send for each (or even just bypass FX entirely for one).

Then you could bring in e.g. a drum machine on one, clean, and a synth on the other, using the great effects like delay, without muddying the beat.

A possible interaction model would be push-and-turn on the send knob, to adjust the R send only.


I’m not sure the architecture or UI would allow it but one or two more LFOs would be really nice.

People seem to repeatedly want slides/portamento features in this topic. That can be fixed with the use of one LFO and parameter locks (The LFOs on this machine are crazy flexible) but then you of course need more LFOs :slight_smile:

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to me, the trouble is more that plocking an LFO to achieve portamento requires you to do arithmetic to get the transitions between notes right. it’s a ridiculous workaround that nobody should be required to use for such a rudimentary component of composing a track.

so yeah I’ll reiterate again that I hope to see portamento, and hopefully more general parameter slides, in this synth one day over the next 2 years :slight_smile:


PLEASE ADD RETRIG!! & more algorithms…The original manual said retrig was possible with the digitone which is one of the reasons i purchased it.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

Pls, make Track select and mute shortcuts the same as at Rytm - function + track = selection , hit track btn = mute.
Playing Digitone and Rytm side by side would be much easier this way.

How’s about that be the operation in mute mode? I feel like having mute potential all the time would lead to accidental mutes. :man_shrugging:t2:

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@Autopoiesis I wrote my sentence a bit sloppy and unclear. Portamento/Slide would of course be better as a dedicated function, completey agree. I meant that because you are forced to do that workaround today you are in even more need of more LFOs.

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I have a lot of accidental mutes when 2 machines have select/mute functions inverted. It can be an optional setting (an I know that it never will be implemented).

Sorry but that would be very confusing and not very intuitive. I have often wanted it the other way around that just pressing a drum pad on the Rytm would select it - like the drum racks in Ableton live. In mute mode it would make sense since we cannot select a different track only mute tracks.

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i was just thinking the other day (doesn’t have to be Digitone only… would be awesome across the lineup):

say you put a bunch of parameter locks on a step but you only want the locks themselves to be triggered conditionally, so the trig still trigs everytime but the modifications you did to the step only occur when the condition applies.

i have no clue how that would be implemented, but… 'twould be sweet.

like just another option on the trig conditions: “p-lock”

Would be awesome if it had a keyboard.

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if they dont release a firmware update at superbooth with at least a couple of these requests im selling the thing.

Put the parameter locks on the next step then fine tune it closer to previous step.(which has mote data)
Should work , maybe a very small gap between the triggers though


yeah, that’d work, too, but when I had the idea I already had the page full of triggers and there were none left to micro-time