Digitone feature requests!

Portamento Depth as an LFO Destination


Just checking, have you turned up the level of the reverb on the reverb parameter page?

A Keytrack mod page with different destinations. Sorry if already mentioned.

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Yes but it seems low compare to my Digitakt

  • Compressor like the digitakt but per channel not on the master
  • Custom scales, (microtuning)
  • intertrack p-locks (example -> if a note is playing on step 3 of track 1, don’t play step 3 of track 2) or something like (if a note is playing on step 3 of track 1; play the same note +7 semitones on track 2). this feature would be a lot of fun with chord mode. or a drum track interactions with a bass track.
  • an extra LFO per track or in the midi section midi type effects.

I know some of this is completely impossible but I can dream, no?
I love my Digitone. I’ve owned a shit ton of synths and the Digitone is definitely my desert island synth.


On all Elektrons, I’d love the Trig Condition parameter active for all steps once set (plocks priority of course). Kind of better Model series Chance. Doesn’t seem impossible!

More lfos for sure, or more destinations, like Trig page parameters, fx…lfo1 Dest for lfo2!

Isn’t this possible with NEI trig condition?
Loved my DN after less than an hour. :content:


Now that Overbridge is fixed … MID ARPS and RANDOM MODE on ARP!!! I’ve finished screaming now!! Thanks!!!


Agreed. Until that happens (if ever) tho I tend to force feed DN the random midi arps from OT. Plus, bitcrushing, comb filtering, etc etc works so well :wink:

kinda? my understanding is that its pretty limited. I was thinking something a little more along what the Cirklon does. (Track A-step 3) fires an event that (Track C-step 3) can receive and add to its current state.

Yeah! I also requested this (#1379). Would be great. That chance per track is so convenient since it works with Control-All.

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DN desperately needs “all notes off” midi cc support. When I use it with Renoise and hit stop with MIDI synced up it crashes the Digitone. Also: retrigs.

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There are ways around this, for something similar to retrigs. But I get what you’re saying

That is to say? Scale x2, Tempo x2, use a second track with microtiming offset?

I use an arp on a hi hat or kick and save the sound like that. I use it as a sound lock and adjust the length accordingly.

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That is a lot more steps than turning retrig on and off but that does make sense! I might try that.

It is workable but very annoying. And if you tweak a trig’s sound parameters and want to retrigger that, you’re sorta shit out of luck because they can’t be saved as sounds. That’s why I usually include that request as well when talking about this retrigger work around. Both would be a huge improvement to the DN workflow.

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But it does open up some cool possibilities. For instance, ‘retriggers’ of changing pitches. But at the expense of no velocity ramp controls.

I kinda like it, it’s like a little hidden trick

Definitely glad it works, and it’s a cool way to get around track limitations (trig playing Arp with a long length using a different root note so it doesn’t get killed by a subsequent trig), but it’s not a direct replacement offering the exact functionality of retrigger. I love retrigger because I can do it instantly and live while a sequence is looping; the workaround requires both planning and some prep time. Ideally, there would be both. I adore using the DN as a drum synth, but this and a few other omissions really make some pretty basic things quite a bit more difficult.