Digitone / Digitone Keys: bug reports

If not done already, please contact Elektron support, if possible with a detailed explanation so that they can reproduce the problem.

This has only happened to me when other tracks are stealing the voices. Did you try explicitly setting the voice-count of each track, allowing for enough voices to play the chord on the problem track? Also, if the length parameter of a track is set high enough, it can also start stealing voices.

I am using 1.40. If this is a real problem, then I am definitely NOT upgrading to 1.41 any time soon.

I got a stuck MIDI note in a project where the DN plays sequence sent by OT.

I monitored MIDI on the laptop and everything seems normal.

I start to suspect the DN. Double pressing stop on the OT doesnā€™t stop the note. I have to press Stop on the DN. No note length set to INF.
Iā€™m on 1.40B.

1.41 after the update, by default I donā€™t see which track is muted and which is not. also now, to see which track is playing (white blinks when notes are triggered), you need to press the FUNC button. By default the only indication is highlighted track lit in red. :confused:

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The release note said they changed the Mue display but as i always was confused by the different colors as I didnā€™t dare updating to get yet another color scheme that would confuse me more.

Did they add an option in the menu to change the behavior of the leds (like reverting to the previous scheme) by any chance?

Its a strange behaviour they mention in the updated manual in a sentence on p 63.

ā€ž After you restart the device, load/reload a project, or after pressing [STOP] + [STOP], you must trig an audio track to activate the effects for the EXT-IN MIXER L page.ā€œ

in my words: You have to play a note on a non-midi track, then fx for ext in work again.

That behaviour annoyed me too when I used DN together with my DT as a synth and FX processor for external gear. Itā€™s same on DT, but since DT is my main sequencer itā€™s always playing something so itā€™s not a problem.

Anybody knows if ST behaves the same?

When in song mode on my Digitone, once it reaches the end it loops back to the start of the song and will continue to play the song through in its entirety again until I manually stop it. I have set the last row to STOP (and not LOOP).

?! The last row is the mode for the whole song ā€¦

I just tried it but canā€™t reproduce. Is this specific for a certain project?

Canā€™t reproduce. Only when I lock the amount of voices explicitly to just one it will only playback the root node. (as already suggested by @aMunchkinElfGraduate). In normal circumstances the chord mode works just fine.

Is this reproducible in any project or do you encounter this in a specific project?

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Yea I havenā€™t had time to double check, will try with a new project today and look at the voices and report a bug if itā€™s actually reproducible.

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With the new unified system of mute mode and track selection, itā€™s not clear which track is muted if Iā€™m not in mute mode


hold func to check the mutes?

Yeah, itā€™s the only way now

that sounds annoying, anyone has a video how it looks? I was just about to update but now iā€™m having second thoughtsā€¦

To me the way mutes work and look is the most confusing thing on DN, even more than synth engine itself :sweat_smile: I really need to install this update to see if itā€™s any more clear now. Sounds kind of like DT behaviour, which I like.

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Indeed, but somehow having to press Func to check is fast enough, whereas before Iā€™ve always been puzzled.
Itā€™s clearer now, I think.

theres something wacky going on with how Pattern and Global mutes work now in 1.41

if the last mute mode you were in (FUNC+BANK) was global, both FUNC+T and PTN+T mute actions act as global. (EDIT: PTN shortcut only sometimes can do a global mute, and i dont know what caused it)

if the last mute mode you were in was pattern, both FUNC+T and PTN+T shortcut act as pattern mute, even if you exit the mute mode.

they seem to be doing the same function and both are broken, according to the manual.

second thing is that, with the new light logic, if you use PTN+Track shortcut you cant see what you are doing. I would love to see PTN button light up Tracks same as FUNC does


I canā€™t reproduce this. PTN+T always performs a Pattern Mute here when in Normal Mode. When you have any of the Mute Modes active, both the shortcuts FUNC+T and PTN+T do not do anything, they only work when Mute Mode is deactivated (When performing these shortcuts in one of the Mute Motes the DN just responds to the track buttons). This is the same behavior as with previous OS versions.

Yes this is the case and this was also the case in previous OS versions.

Yes, this would be an excellent feature, make sure you send it to feature-request@elektron.se.

For anyone whoā€™s interested: Iā€™ve made a summary of what exactly changed with the new mute colors in this post: Select track on Digitone in mute mode? - #64 by rtme

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