Digitakt 1.20 : Bug reports

haven’t reported yet. my workaround for now is placing a program change trig with, lowest velocity shortest duration conditional fill, at the very end of the pattern IF there’s room. that way pressing Fill while or not changing patterns will reset the preset settings. feel free to place a ticket as my Elektron account is acting weird and have to work that out first

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ok cheers, i’ll add a ticket now.

as I can see the usefulness of the new behavior, it would be great to be choose program change behavior i guess, maybe so it would change-reset only if program change is parameter locked. that would be the most useful approach imo

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in the past, i would just set the condition to 1st if i didnt want the settings to reset on every loop. now i have no options. anyway i’ll see what they say about it cheers.


Maybe a bug with DT1.20… I created an 8 step pattern with the step sequencer and used the soundpool level/data knob to sequence a sound per step. Then went to settings/samples/view ram/select unused/ and removed the ‘unused’ samples. Some of my soundpool sounds now point to a missing samples - doesnt seem to be a reason behind which ones are missing - approx 50% of them. Not sure if this is user error or a 1.2 bug.

further… this seems repeatable with a blank new project so must be a DT1.2 bug. Frustrating as it undermines confidence in the utility of the newly introduced unload unused sample ‘feature’.

Interestingly elkherd301 manages to correctly identify the used soundpool samples and isolate and compact correctly while the official DT1.2 selecting unused operation does not work properly at this time.

Seriously Elektron, 3 years in and still the sample management features of this lovely device both remains buggy and incomplete.

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Definitely some weird stuff going on with program changes.

You can set the program for a pattern by setting it on the SRC page with no trig selected, I’ll refer to this as the ‘pattern program’. When you turn the knob for the pattern program the program change is sent immediately, however any trig lock with a program change on it is ignored.

As mentioned in the previous post, the pattern program isn’t set when you change pattern anymore either.

So of course the MIDI loopback trick to save pattern chains does not work anymore either, but where it gets really weird is that if you use the knob to select a program change to send back to the Digitakt to change the pattern, it actually changes pattern immediately rather than wait for the end of the pattern.

A parameter locked BANK/SBNK/PROG is not repeated if there are no changes. That has been the intended behaviour since OS 1.11.

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With the issue I’m seeing, you can change the program on every step and none of them are sent.

I’ve done some further testing and can reproduce as follows.

  1. Start with an empty (default settings) track, set MIDI channel; e.g. 9
  2. Edit the track, add trigless locks to every one of the 16 steps
  3. Lock different PROG change on each of the trigless locks
  4. Ensure the track is not muted, press play

No program changes will be sent.

I have managed to get the program changes to be sent by setting a PROG at the pattern level (pattern program), but if PROG is empty at the pattern level then none of the trig locks take effect.

In a way this is a nice feature, because you can toggle that all program changes are on or off for the entire pattern, even on the fly, by disabling/enabling the pattern program.

On the other hand, it means you must have a program change at the start of a pattern if you want to also change it later in a pattern. This is only not a problem if you are changing to a pattern with the same program as one the synth is already playing.

I’m unable to reproduce this. Everything appears to be working as expected

Do you mean that PROG hasn’t been enabled in this scenario? The default value of the parameters on SRC page is OFF, meaning they are disabled and will not send out any data.


hi patrik,

somehow i hadn’t noticed this since 1.11 came out last year. why was it changed?

before 1.11 i would add a p-locked program change to step 1 of a 64-step seq, tweak the synth’s knobs for the duration of those 64 steps, and at step 1 the patch would reload to its saved state. it was great, and it’s a shame it’s not possible anymore (without using the workaround of p-locking a different prog-change message to the very last step in the seq…)


And then again, this does not work 100% of the time…
Just happened to check.

For most use cases you don’t want the same program change to be repeated (to avoid quirks when the receiving synth won’t instantly load the patch).

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So not sure if this is a new bug but I think it is (didn’t use CH length much before), if I set M length to infinite and CH length to 16, patterns will never switch in pattern chain mode as the seem to be referencing the M length but if I just manually change a patter without chaining it references the CH length as I would expect it to. So basically no matter what setting I put for CH length it doesn’t work on chains which to my understanding is its designed purpose.

*edit running it with a lower M length on the first pattern in the chain seems to have fixed it and it now works with Infinite setting again not sure what caused this bug to happen.

This makes sense, clearly not a bug then :slight_smile: I remember it worked differently once but looks like the previous functionality was actually the bug!

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Not a bug per se, but after I Load Project, the screen stays on the Load Project view. I need to press NO a few times to go back to a Track view.

If I’m remembering correctly, in the previous version, after the project was loaded, it used to automatically revert to a track view.

Not a big deal I guess, just a small annoyance…

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I feel like it has always done that.

Hmm, maybe you’re right @digimatt.

It’s the first thing I noticed after updating to 1.20 and I “seemed” to remember that the behaviour was different in 1.10.

Anyone with version 1.10, can you confirm?

I can’t find anywhere to post overbridge Bugs… but this is related to the new update…
I cant open projects properly anymore since update…
virtually broken after a year of working perfectly… please fix asap…
it has completely halted my workflow…

Move to appropriate thread if in wrong location

Step recording, using the chromatic keyboard

Manual states that in step recording mode you can enable the chromatic keyboard by pressing FUNC+TRIG but this doesn’t seem to be correct.

Instead when in step recoding mode to access the chromatic keyboard I press and hold the FUNC button. Works like a momentary thing, so as soon as I let the button go, the chromatic keyboard is gone.

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