DigiChain - web app for making sample chains

Once the web app has been loaded once, it would still work fine if offline/no internet connection. That applies if it’s loaded in the browser, or installed as an app :slightly_smiling_face:

Added a random selection of files while holding shift key and dropping files in - this will take the current chain length grid size value as the number of samples it will randomly select from the drop.

This is live on Latest only at the moment.

There is also now a default limit of 750 files per import - to help reduce the risk of timeouts/memory issues while importing, and to keep the UI responsive when filtering large numbers of samples. This limit will be turned on by default, but you are free to disable it in the Settings panel.



Wow. Amazing work! Thank you. Downloaded the app. Works great. :vulcan_salute:

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v1.4.2 is now live

  • Hold shift key while dragging in samples to import randomly up to the currently chosen grid-size.
  • Default to limit the number of imported samples to 750, to reduce risk of timeouts - can be disabled in the settings panel.
  • Limiting the max chain length to 64 slices when using the timed chain length in non-aif audio context, Aif context stays at max 24 slices.
  • Setting the default Shift import random drop value to 256 if no slice grid value is selected (this prevents accidental import of large numbers of files, Ctrl+click a slice-grid number and set a custom value to import more than 256 samples randomly).
  • Ctrl + Click on the Selected header text will toggle all the samples selection to all selected / all de-selected.

Lots of happy accidents to be had choosing 64 on the grid, then dropping in thousands of samples while holding the shift key down to only import a random selection of 64 samples - you can then use the selected actions button to truncate them all (hold shift while clicking truncate to set your own sample length, try 0.1 to get small snippets of the audio to join into the chain), normalize and then build the chain.

Here are 5 (64 slice) glitchy chains from randomly selected samples of my Polyend Medusa in 48k/16 suitable for dropping straight into the Digitakt :slight_smile:


Hey Brian, can you clarify on sample operations?
My goal is to prepare stereo samples as compressed mid/side files for the DT.

  1. I import a list of files, I then select a specific file, turn on “S” and pitch it up 12 to 24 semitones.
  2. Now I duplicate this file and select “D” for the side part.

Are those actions from 1) destructive, so that I basically apply the Side selection in 2) on the pitched up Mono file from 1) ?


Does the action from 2) reference the original file, meaning it selects the Difference of the stereo channels from the original file and plays it back pitched up?

Changing the stereo->mono options is non-destructive.

All files are stored as 32bit uncompressed audio buffers after import and stay as mono/stereo as per the source file, the only conversion that happens on import is the change of samplerate (e.g. ensuring all are 44100khz/48000khz based on the chosen audio context).

So pitching up then duplicating and changing to D (side) will work as you are expecting it to.

You can also hear the L/S/R/D selection when previewing the sample in the list (if the L/R are the same, then the side will be silence).

Once the chain is generated, or the selection is resampled back to the list - that is where a destructive stereo->mono change would happen.

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Apologies if you are not seeing the ‘load files’ icon in Edge/MS Store app - I’ve been working through an issue with the certification process (the MS apps team tester rep reported not being able to load any files, which after much investigating, turns out they just couldn’t load an unsupported file format), the button will return to those shortly, drag and drop imports not affected, and no problems in Chrome or Safari :slight_smile:


All the Microsoft Store red tape resolved, 1.4.2 is now reflected in the store download and all UI elements are the same across browsers.


hi, new user here. Is there any User guide available? Thanks

Already mentioned earlier in this thread:


Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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I do plan to add some more detailed info on usage (and a few additional features), but I’ve had a busy month with work and family stuff. Just post here if you get stuck with anything and I’ll do my best to answer :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello Brian :slight_smile: What a great web app you have created :slight_smile: Thank you so much. I got Digitakt in mind using this app with it. There is one feature that is really helpful for drum breakbeats in the sampler that is omitted by Elektron and I don’t know why. It’s the ping-pong looping of the playback mode(The sample plays forward and after the end, it plays back reverse of the sample). This is great for playing chopped breakbeats as you can extend the natural reverb of hits etc. Is there a chance you could add a feature where you can export a chain of slices and digichainer would create a chain that has reversed copy of the slice/sample added after the normal(forward) sample? This way digitakt could use the forward playback mode to play the “saved/baked in ping-pong version” of samples. I hope that makes sense. I could explain further if needed. This technique is used in jungle/dnb but can be super creative in general. Thank you in advance :slight_smile:


There is no one-click auto way to do this at the moment - but it can be done pretty quickly with the features already present.

For both examples, make sure the audio export context is set to ‘48K/16Bit Mono’ in the dropdown audio options.

Example 1

  • Load the samples, then for each one, duplicate with the duplicate icon on the action icons at the end of each row.
  • on the duplicate sample, click the pencil icon to show the edit panel and click the reverse button.
  • if the chain length is set to 64, this would give you 32 ping-ponged slices, if you needed 64, Ctrl+Click on one of the grid size selection buttons to set a custom value of 128.
  • Click the ‘1 Spaced Chain’ download link button.

Example 2

  • Load the samples, to build a chain as a normal 32/64 length chain.
  • Shift+Click the ‘1 Chain’ download button. (This will put the unspaced chain at the top of the list).
  • Remove all the samples from the list other than the chain (a quick way of doing this is to click OFF button, then toggle the selection of the chained sample we just made, then press the ’ i ’ key on the keyboard to invert the selection, then the ‘remove selected’ button).
  • Duplicate the chained sample in the list.
  • On the duplicate, click the pencil icon then click reverse.
  • On each, click the slice icon, then the button that has ‘DC’ in red text in the top right corner, and slice the chain back to samples.
  • Remove the top two chain samples.
  • On the filename/download header - click the ’ slice #’ text to sort by slice number.
  • All the slices will be grouped by their slice number ready to join as ping-pong samples.
  • Click the ‘1 spaced chain’ download button to download the ping-ponged sample chain ready for use on the Digitakt.

While example 2 has more steps, the workflow is way quicker!

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Incredible work - thank you so much

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nice. Thank you for the breakdown of the methods, that’s really helpful. Any chance of adding the DUPLICATE function to “selected actions” so that we could do multiple dupes at once? in the same manner, a group “SLICE” function applicable to selected samples would be super:) Cheers!

Adding duplicate to the selected actions is something I could look at - the only concern I have is if users are trying to duplicate large numbers of selected loaded samples. As the slice has many option and requires user input, that isn’t something I can put up on the actions list.

I would likely add a ping-pong option to the selected actions list over a duplicate, as the selected actions work upon the sample list rather than directly modifying it.

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So for example the Selected actions could include : PING-PONG and/or DUPE. this would be mega :smiley:

I have tried the above method 2 but the slices numbers would have to be matched the opposite way (i.e 1/16 to 16/16) to form full matching pingpong sample…

Take a look at latest https://digichain.brianbar.net/latest/

I’ve added a ping-pong option to the selected actions list.


Clicking that will add a reversed copy of the audio to the end of itself for all selected samples.