Delays in Digitakt devs and other feedback

I’m surprised it’s so difficult to understand.
Making negative critiques is not the issue around here, it’s the way it’s delivered.
There’s a massive difference between saying something like,
“seems like Elektron bit off more than they can chew”
“Elektron f****** sucks, only 2 LFOS, WTF!!!”

A little self awareness, maybe less embellishment, geez even manners?

Since everyone seems to be an expert on the internal workings of Elektron, I’ll throw my 2 cents in.
I imagine Elektron wants to succeed and progress, so therefore I’m pretty sure they’ll get to fixing the Digitakt, why wouldn’t they, it’s obviously a hot item for them. At the same time I’m sure they’ll get OB sorted, new products shipped, and updates for current machines.
It would be naive to think everyone employed there could just hop over to coding bug fixes and problem solved.




( I would like to make my point like some people here… who jump of something with the This ! word… and bla bla bla repeating themselves thousand of times… when Elektron take apologize end2017 and gives the February 2018 duedate. The problem is at some point : to wait for the official due date and then see… Repeating and trying to get people involved gives nothing. I really thing Elektron know otherwise they don’t apologize )

See ya around February !

I think a bit of the problem with you is that you’re like an old crotchety curmudgeon, always repeating the same stuff ad nauseam, in threads where it’s really not relevant. I think this forum is a bit too sensitive for my taste, but that’s fine, that’s the tone they want to have. You’re not enlightening anyone, buddy. We know the updates are late, and at times you’re just spamming negativity, which for some reason people don’t appreciate. Go figure.



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Yes - enough is enough, we will act.

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I think i got really lucky :thinking: my digitakt lets me make music with it, sequence my MNM, send clock to all my machines with no problems. I’ve had one crash in the first day and since then i’ve been OK using the sample engine and sending CCs to the MNM.

Unless your outputs are broken, your encoders/keys dont work or it crashes the moment you start the machine up and start playing samples/sampling there is plenty of functionality that is working trouble free to use in the mean time to compose music.

I sympathize with users who can’t make anything with their Digitakt because of bugs and crashes, but all these wonderful audio clips online seem to tell me otherwise. I’m sure these users have experienced bugs/crashes as well, but it isn’t stopping them from using the machine for its intended purpose.


Yeah, mine has been perfectly fine. Guess i got lucky too. Don’t do a lot of midi stuff though, so that might help. I’m a bit miffed about the delay of OB, but it is what it is, and I can make music with this, as I’ve come to learn that it is, toy.

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Like you, I’ve had no issues with both of my DT.

If I did, I wouldve sent them back, like I did with the OT mk2 last week. I didn’t feel the need to make post after post after post slating Elektron. I just contacted my sales rep and it was resolved.

It is what it is, but a small vocal minority are causing this forum to be a hive for negative comment.


I’m more annoyed by the A4 mkII soundlock bug than I am with Digitakt. I’ve basically put the A4 mkII away until a big fix is released - not worth the headache.

Keep delivering promises and deadlines, noone would complain about putting out products when other promises are not delivered, it’s pretty simple. This thread became useless and all comments irrelevant.

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3…2…1… countdown till the fanboys start lashing out on you…

expect some lengthy replies from the usual suspects about how you don’t understand the “Elektron” way of things…

Does anyone here have any experience with coding? Have you ever tried coding machine language? Elektron already publicly stated they know the new OS is taking longer than expected, but it will be coming soon.

Do people here understand how businesses need to function; basic accounting/economics? They have to release new products to survive.

This is the paradigm that is, and takes patience if you want to buy the machine before the OS is fully developed. You absolutely have the choice to wait. Nobody is forcing you to buy anything at any point. People like me would rather have their machines earlier, and use what is there as the OS develops because of how much they enjoy Elektron’s designs. If you’re not one of these people, wait.

Elektron never stated the DT was going to function flawlessly, and never need OS updates as soon as it was released. If you’re familiar at all with Elektron, this is obvious already based upon the history of every single one of their machines. (@alfred)

If this is your first experience with Elektron, I don’t feel sorry for your lack of research into the matter.


Well, to be fair, then they shouldn’t have promised dates for functionality. As I’ve said, I don’t really appreciate all the negative spam, but the total dismissal of criticism isn’t that much better. They promised functionality, and certainly didn’t mention that people were paying 750 euros or whatever for something with a buggy midi implementation.


Also, I want to express gratitude to Elektron. Nobody else, not even Yamaha, has the cojones to create something like the Digitone… something I thought would only exist in my imagination. I feel that Elekron is truly listening, and I proudly support their vision. I know they’re working hard with what they got. Animosity towards them isn’t going to make things go any faster imo.


As someone who experiences freezing as a daily occurrence I tend to side with the “release a machine that works as described” camp. Really hoping Elektron can pull through in February with a full working update or I’ll probably try to sell the machine to be brutally honest.


I’m not sure that would help sell them.

"New digitakt , won’t work flawlessly but we’ll slowly fix it "
Out now …

Personally I think the machines , at a certain level , share a lot of code so it’s not like dev stopped on digitakt
I think there will be a lot of scrutiny on digitone stability .

I’m certain there will be bugs no doubt. Like I said, I’m informed enough to expect them. I sure as hell am not waiting to get my hands on one though.

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I’m quire sure this is the case yeah. I’m hoping we’ll see some Digitone stuff in the Digitakt soon. Time signature per track and the filters would be sweet :sunglasses:

I tend to agree with the sentiment that this forum leans on the sensitive side, but having experienced the toraiz Facebook forum when it got ugly, I support the mods and what they do (have been taken to task myself a couple of times). I stayed away from digitakt but have OT2 and I am very grateful there is a company making gear for musicians who want to push the boundaries. A year to fix bugs is bad, but I’m curious how many units from the entire production have problems?