Daft Punk - Epilogue

Indeed, at the end of their “Epilogue” you can hear “Touch”, it made me very emotional today, music can be such a beautiful thing! the entire RAM album indeed is genius, their history as a band coming together, just brilliant, the craftmanship, the soul,;… :black_heart: ,

Home, hold on
If love is the answer, you’re home
Hold on


Any word yet on whether Eric Cantona is getting a writing credit for the script for the farewell movie? I think he deserves it.

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THANK YOU! I was excited about the new Daft Punk album(despite not caring for Get Lucky) and when I heard it I was pretty disappointed- while everyone seemed to love it.

Men vaFAAAN i helvetes jävlar?!


Yeah can’t contest the production and recording, had that kind of “Sound City” vibe, on that score it was successful, and commercially it was huge, but to me it wasn’t “Daft Punk” any more, it was more like “Serious Soft Rock”.

It was quite telling for me when my sister in law, who was not previously a fan, thought it was great. She is into soft rock, and does not care much for electronic music at all.

For me DP were all about electro/funk/robot/house, RAM felt like too much of a departure, for me. I can see why they wanted to do it, and no doubt it is a great album, but if I want that particular vibe I’d choose Fleetwood Mac or ELO or even Empire of the Sun first.


Some of their old stuff was nice. Didn’t care much for modern daft punk. But they had a big impact on electronic music for sure


Earlier albums were great, the Tron soundtrack was amazing, but that last album was dire.

A massive influence on music in general though.

I’m a huge Daft Punk fan. I absolutely love RAM, but it’s also my least favorite DP album, while also containing a few of my favorite jams, Doin’ It Right and Touch.

Favorite DP albums:
2.Human After All (I’m pretty sure this isn’t a popular opinion)


One of the most emotional songs the last decade, IMO.

Damn I finally watched something more boring than Gerry !:smiley:

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I’m gonna make my partner watch Phantom of the Paradise with me, in honor of Daft Punk.

RAMs their best album in my opinion. Listening on vinyl via a solid hifi is a real treat.

Gutted I’ll never see them live but not that sad about the split. More because they released so little over 28 years.

Iconic duo though with some absolute bangers for tunes.

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Yeah personally I think RAM is one of the most amazing sounding albums ever made - the work that went into it technically behind the scenes is insane too, if you check out Mick Guzauski’s info on it.

I like their stuff a lot - French house was always about samples, so that didn’t surprise me. I think they showed a lot of ingenuity. They didn’t have nearly the musicianship of their contemporaries Air, or the multi-genre genius of I:Cube but they were a solid French group for sure.


…epic final shout out for a band that produced their take on electronic music production like a truu oldschool prog rock band…

but this little clip, in all it’s simplicity and monolithic beauty carries one little too much mistake…
two times the shot of the explosion…?
a little bit more vari speed in slomo would have done way better…
a bit more daft…a little less punk…please…next time…
c’est la vie…

I loved Interstella 5555, their collaboration with anime icon Leiji Matsumoto


…i saw that workout aerobic link for a second… :wink:
and was about to wonder…

and when i saw that epic french desert epilogue, i also learned right after, that kayne west won’t be a kardashian anymore…soonish…
ah, all this pop…

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Yeah, I pasted in the wrong link and had to fix it, haha.

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Boy what an epic career those two French kids had wearing those mask. Such a huge global act.
Personally, I’ll never forget hearing “One More Time” on the radio and thinking to myself “WTF is this shit!”. Was a big fan of Homework, bought all the 12" singles, played them a lot when I was gigging, and was so excited for their next album. Boy was I in for a shock. For me it was all about Homework, their Da Dunk/Musique single and a lot of the French House anthems from Bangalter’s Roule, and Scratche labels.

In retrospect, Discovery wasn’t all that bad.

I’m fighting the urge to go off topic because of this comment.


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