CoronaVirus Thread



I KNEW IT. the place I lived in in Kirkland had a messed up vibe. And witches popped into my head. I’ve never even thought of witches before. It was weird. The place was smokin hot inside all the time even when it was in the 20s with the windows open :grimacing::ghost:


My wife and two of my daughters have pre-existing immune system deficiencies. It’s not just the elderly. It’s all kinds of people. Many of whom do not even know they have these conditions until they get an illness that has a greater impact than it should. (like when one of my kids gets a bit of a flu or cold, but the other ends up in the hospital for two weeks) You absolutely don’t know until something happens. Luckily, in our case, my daughters have had these hospital stays for something that isn’t quite so deadly, so we could figure out these things without it being life or death.

It’s not all about just staying home and being in a panic. It’s about not bringing it home to your family, or spreading it to other people not even knowing that you might be carrying it.

If you want to “live your life” that’s great. We do too, but I refuse to take criticism from people about my methods for avoiding this, when they have no idea about my family’s situation. Everyone has a different situation, and yes, this virus could flat out kill some of them, and does.

If you’re not worried, or don’t have someone that you need to worry more than usual about, then by all means, go out and do your thing. Some of us have valid reasons for taking extra precautions.

Most of the schools in my area area are closing (just outside Seattle (Renton)). I’ve had multiple flights I was supposed to be on previously and in the future get cancelled. It’s a thing. Not a not-thing. How you respond is up to you.

I said it before. I’m usually the one to scoff at the first report of a pandemic. I’m usually cautiously skeptical, and just go about my business, but maybe just a bit more carefully. The media absolutely does blow things out of proportion most of the time. No arguments there. However, my oldest daughter just spent two weeks in the hospital, and you know, I don’t really want to repeat that any time soon or ever. My wife also gets pneumonia fairly easily, and since this is a lung thing, I’m not taking chances there either. It’s good to have some healthy skepticism, but I also don’t think it’s cool to tell people it’s no big deal.

I also don’t keep my kids in bubbles. I grew up in the woods, in the dirt, and am not a germaphobe. I don’t worry about common colds, and the biggest extent I take precautions is just getting my family flu shots for the common ones. I actually believe that exposure to basic sickness is what makes people more resistant to them. When something a little more worrisome pops up though, like now, I am much more careful.


I’m just getting over a head cold, so all my co workers are looking at me like I’m infected with Covid-19. I imagine it will get to my area really soon (Sacramento California) due to the larger population, airport, etc…

I’ve personally just stocked up on canned food, water, medical supplies, just in case a quarantine goes into place from the local government. I always have at least 2 weeks supplies anyway, as a precautionary measure. Wash dem hands!!! We’ll get through this shortly.

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Same thing just happened to me. I had a minor sinus thing. Sniffs, and minor cough. For about 24 hours. I had a few looks from co-workers too. I just stayed in my office and kept my hands clean. We’re a 24/7 company, that doesn’t like to have people out too, so not only are we encouraged to keep working at times when maybe we shouldn’t, but then we get looks if we come in sick. Not quite as bad as the service industry, but kinda stupid. :smiley:

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I’m in commission based sales and everybody is like, “why didnt you stay home?” Uh, cause I have to get paid. If I thought I was extremely contagious I would be home, it’s common courtesy.


Never actually been there (am Australian) but i saw that 3 or 4 part doco about the vampires & werewolves in Washington and remembered there was something about witches in there too.


I hear that…I was in game dev., and we tried to INSIST if sick, stay home, get better.
Do not spread. Better to have one down, than have one take twenty with them. Our deadlines were to tight to have that many people not werking.
Just get better then come back. Better for you[easier to heal resting], better for your co-werkers.


What seems to get lost here is that following precautions that help slow down the virus from spreading is not just about protecting yourself or your family from getting ill, but just as much about protecting your wider community as a whole by preventing your public health care system from getting overwhelmed with too many new cases too quickly.

Additionally, precautions are not an all-or-nothing thing. Just do what you can! :slight_smile:


I’ve heard that alcohol is a good combatant of the Coronavirus.

You’ve never had a better reason to get good and drunk(with the exception of every f**king day)



God bless you and your family. I understand your worries buddy. And someone like you should take precautions. Me-Iam just tired of the fake media hype for profits.


Family friend (virologist) is helping with the UK strategy, told us to stock up on anything we’d need to self quarantine. Delivered 10 litres of hand gel! He’s taking it very seriously.

I’m more worried I’ll never learn the Octatrack.


I took a Diseases and infections course along with Microbiology course in college and with my level of knowledge I’m not scared at all. There’s not enough data to make conclusions.

I did take advantage of the fear though. I bought tickets to a Bjork with an Orchestra concert in Paris for July. I booked my flight for a good deal. I’m sure those tickets to the Bjork show would of sold out sooner but people are still “waiting it out”.

v00d00’s advice: Don’t touch your face! If you touch your face wash your hands. Wash your hands over and over and you should be fine.


everyone saying “don’t touch your face” just makes me really want to touch my face.


Well if you touch your face don’t touch your nose! Your nose has a lot of monsters. We did petri dishes with sugar gelatin and your boy v00d00 was touching his nose and grew a colony of monsters over the weekend in microbiology lab.


YOLO, my brother, YOLO. Live free, live wild…

Touch your face


Thanks! No, I get it. I was just in an elaborative mood. :smiley: We did run out and stock up on things that we need anyway, but not to the level of hording. I also am very careful about weighing my intake of news from multiple sources, (except the president and his “team” of course :stuck_out_tongue: ) I am also very sick of the media in general.

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But my face itches!

Also, do not drink your whiskey supplies and watch Outbreak, The Road, or The Rover. I suggest drinking whiskey and making music.

Edit - okay so The Road and The Rover are worth watching. Just maybe not back to back, or you might dip further into your whiskey supplies than you like.


I see what you did there! hahah