Coming up with a name

it’s perfect as a forum name :slight_smile:

but as regards the style of tunes i vaguely write or dj, not so much.

Silicon Mistress is actually exponentially more appropriate.
for reasons that would sound so incredibly bizarre that it’s impossible to explain.

to keep it simple though: harnessing potential and attenuating extremes.

I respect that, I usually like band names that sound vague yet intriguing because they can change with you and what phase of music you find worth pursuing. To me autolux is such a good band name because it can be anything and is very strange in root meanings (automatic light?).This is all subjective of course yet aspects of it do fulfill certain purposes in reality maybe. I feel like I probably skipped over someone discussing this. Aesthetic choices are interesting though!

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Why are people only considering 2 word names?


Yes you right marketing use and abuse of terms only because they think they will sell more. but the content has nothing to do with what is advertised

Except that Techno is and will never be anything like electronica, like electro is a real music genre (coming from hiphop broken rhythm with futuristic sounds inside and often very dark) and as nothing with what people think of electro is for them … (just commercial dance music)

NB : also there’s real existing difference between countries (UK for instance regarding electronic music)

And that’s not a problem for those people who know musical history but for all the others it’s a real problem. That’s how start glitch in History if people not write things without to carefully study the origins of a musical movement. So yes basically I take that funny because I try to not be perceive when I write here too much as an act of militancy. But therefore, I attach importance to it in the real life and I always encourages young people around me by giving them keys to unlock all of that. Then, it’s all in their hands.


‘husc’ was computer generated! I wrote a number generator in max way back when audionerds were shat on and laughed at. I mapped the output to an alfabet instead of midi notes et voilá… ‘husc’


Previewlounge was the name of a website owned by a very talented nerd friend, back in the day to present work-in-progress to clients, he designed database-driven websites - economical code, with sensible user interfaces and aesthetically pleasing designs.

As the standard connection was a 56k modem, whilst waiting for photoshop previews to load, the name was designed to encourage the clients to lounge about without being overly fretful at the delay.

I showed him how to edit video, we made a song video for an all-girl group called Proem in 2002 and they won a competition. He gave me two gigabytes of webspace on his domain, and somehow after he let the name go, I kept using the title.

His actual name meant in an ancient language, “the feathers that guide the arrow through the air”; I was most impressed. I suggested that maybe that was somehow part of his character; “Yes,” he replied “but don’t entirely trust a blue-eyed Indian, they are very tricky”.

Zubin’s opal blue eyes glittered as he smiled indulgently.


I think up a story, and then names come in more or less naturally. My tracks resolve around Scifi and politics, it also delivers a theme.

I.e. you could also use a movie which may /or may not fit to your genere, and get some attributes which may fit your tracks.

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Pictures or it didn’t happen!

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15 years ago so maybe the photo’s will show, or maybe no.

my friend asked at the time if i wouldn’t mind just letting him have the sole title of producer on the credits;
i soon forgot about the project and didn’t keep any mementos.

moving right along, just thought of a potentially cool or boring name:

24 Bit.

And five more ideas [if not for a performance name at least they could be fun as song titles]

Extrastellar Cabbage





Although I must say it is difficult to trump phaelam’s pure gem of a suggestion:
Lipstick Hangover Face.

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All the best bands only have 1 or 2 words in their names. Anymore than that and it starts to sound like a gimmick.

I agree - in fact, I should have been more clear and said “why are people not considering single word names?” especially for electronic music…

Although “Rainbow Butt Monkeys” always gave me a chuckle … :grin:

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i’m still pretty attached to Boring Asshole … lol but seriously … one word names are cool … so many names have already been utilised.

i was trying to somehow ascribe meaning to the idea of Supergeek

it could be like an existential surprise response to a typographical error: Superg. Eek! I meant Superb!

nine inch nails is imho one of the finer bandnames out there :wink:


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Betty Childs

Just be lazy and use one someone else came up with:

That’s true, I guess three words is ok as long as they’re all single syllabic words.

You have to remember that MOST of the time people hear the name, it won’t be because you’re being announced at a big venue or on a marquee. It will be someone asking “oh what’s your band called” and you’re going to have to look at them with a straight face and say it.

I find it’s easier to say it without getting embarrassed the shorter it is. I think it’s also good to use well known words, having people say “how do you spell it” after I tell them “Hexeract” got pretty annoying, as cool as that word looks written on paper.


Hard to pick a name that doesn’t sound stupid and wacky or totally pretentious. Or you think of a good one, google it and it’s used by someone

fricken lol that be from 2012 and where it came from is the six thousand dollar question :smiley:

mkay this could be the one.