Coming up with a name

yes, also someone asking someone else “who’s on tonight?”, or, “when is _ _ _ _ _ playing their set?”

not that set times ever really are strictly adhered to by the book.

yes, and for this reason - and for quite a few others alongside for the ride - Silicon Mistress will be the de facto secret performance name.

Deepmixer though is a name that was accessed five years ago for existential celebration/exploration/alternative-investment, and somehow the recent reminder gives me a sense of yes, this feels like home.

‘spanking bod’

You’re really gross maybe call yourself ‘gross guy’

Or ‘wet around the edges’ or something

cheers Saltaire … in fact your name is one of the best i’ve seen. Mind if i take it? Lol just jokes.

“I don’t like you but I respect your moves!”

  • Dance-off commentator interpretive realtime action relater

that’s great but the name is found and sound. Deepmixer.

actually Tanq is really cool.

compassionate passion. The Love Machine.

They still are.

Aargh, you Americanized ‘arsehole’
As such, might I suggest
Imperialist Swine

okay okay so maybe Supergeek is not necessarily fabulous.

what’s in a name? every, and nothing, and all that is in between.

when i was born in Hammersmith, the sun rose above the River Thames, and my mother exclaimed, “Hello Jasper!” … even though this name had not been talked about as an option with my father, who was driving across the bridge at the time. I’m inclined to just call myself Jasper and leave it at that.

Hello Jasper is best so far

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Was just about to post same
Hello jasper
Job done


oh my, cheers for all the greetings guys’n’gals … salubrious salutations right back at ya’s.

Yes, Jasper it is.

Jasper, soon performing at a venue near or on planet Earth. The Heart, the Art.

I love names. I’ve read all the suggestions on this thread all over the space of a day. I’d like to make some suggestions too :slight_smile:

I’m going to suggest some from what I’ve seen now;
Picky Ronting - a play on the afore mentioned Ricky Ponting. Also, I dig this because this thread has shown you ‘picky’ colours and I’m not sure what’s right for you so it all seems a bit of a ‘wrong ting/thing’.
Hammersmith Hardman - just because I grew up with the TV show Bottom and I can’t believe that you are from the same place

You seem to have an affinity with the genderless aspect of life. You’re a guy but I see the name Mistress a lot and you also considered dressing up as a women for 20% or so of the gigs to carry the name. I think your name has to reflect you. I shall not talk about my alias and the plethora of reasons as to why it is why it is. Likewise, I also think up names that just pop into my head because of the way that I am. Sometimes, it may not take long because you are reaping what you sow. Here are some suggestions;

Call Neo
Shades of Eden
‘Picking a flower does not shake the star, if it does, pick the star’ could be shortened to PAFDNSTSIIDPTS. <<<I love graphic design and really dug the convo about how things look on a page/flyer in text form. I think a bunch of capitals really invited curiousity. My name is PTKHMD for so many reasons that other people don’t really need to know (I said I wasn’t going to talk about myself but I just have, sorry not sorry)

HJYMW - Hello Jasper You Mistress Watermelon.
Hmmm don’t think that works as people will try to use phonics to piece it together. Ok, I’m going to go back in…

I went back to your original post and found this…

Could be PSERV JD…
I would read that with a silent P
And you can include all of your own original names…


if you like Jack Daniels then ‘Serve JD would be fitting for ya;)
Nifty catch phrase… ‘PSERV the Jazz Deepmixer with your listening ears’


PS. And I’ve got a say it. I don’t think anyone should just say. “I hate all of your ideas” … they should look and look and take another look and then finally look again. And if they ain’t done looking then yeah yeah yeah LOOK AGAIN. Not saying my ideas are good or anything but nobody can fault some great empathy no matter the angle it is being dished at from.

Good luck on your path.

Fuck the Klu Klux Klan up there misplaced assholes.

the name is already chosen, this thread is now irrelevant and needs to be closed.

I feel like that was aimed at me. If it was then WOW! Colour me shocked. I was being sincere and serious. I enjoyed it too!