:elot: Comb Comp Contest!

Shiiit! Some impressive stuff you’re doing with the comb filter! I need to try this myself. Awesome thread!

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So blown away by this track sezare…just shared it with three of my synthy friends. CanNOT believe its only noise comb filtered/resampled… special.


Ah thanks ! I was thinking about making a new one…:slightly_smiling_face:

Not allowed! Rate on noise acts like a filter! :content:
Comb Comp only!


So exhilarating, thrilling, honestly, when the high pitched stuff comes in! Wowow.

Earlier in this thread you promised a step-by-step (cough cough ok darenager asked for it, you didnt promise).

Did you have to resample and pitch up multiple times?

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I used a track resampling CUE, playing CUE with pitch +12, timestrech of. 2 recorders.
Feedback sending back to CUE. So yes there is multiple resampling, but in live conditions.
You can ear the pitched part briefly @1m19s.

2021 Session ! Test number 1

Still no samples, compressor and comb filters only. 1 bar pattern, evolving with crossfader and scenes.

T1 Noise Track Comp CombF
T2 Neighbor Comp CombF
T7 Pitched Cue send with Feeback
T8 Master Track Comp

With a video when I’m motivated !


Heyzeus!!! Thats soooo heavy and great. Blistering. Truly love it. Inspiring. I guess i should try it. I doubt i will figure it out but that wont be the fault of any explanations i get.

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No, you HAVE too now. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Start with a noise sample. :wink:

Haha ok i got somewhere! Im not even sure how the noise got so rhythmical (lfo on master comb, teigless trigs) …i went T1 flex, T2 neighbor, T3-6 flex, T7 thru, T8 master. I was getting the straight noise via T1 ahd 2…then at some point i had it go thru the thru and all of a sudden i was getting very rhythmic noise. Honestly indid so many things i dont even know if i was legal??? Anyways, i still want to get those heavy tones youre getting…

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Good start. To make noise more rhythmical, use Amp / hold / rel, and compressor to make it snappier. Comb Filter like short / very short sounds.

Filter comb filter with is LP parameter, and Playback/Src page RATE (reducing sample rate, hence higher frequencies).

In my test I used a Comb with a positive feed back, followed by a negative one on the Thru track.


Both of your tracks are truely awesom-o! :elot: :heart:


Ok i will try a few more things! I dont expect to make songs this way but all of these tricks are teaching me a ton about the OT.

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Definitely, obviously especially comb filters, but compressor too! Especially if you use inputs ABCD noise as only audio source. Really weak a first, very dynamic with compressor(s). And it influences drastically comb filters behavior.

Thinking about a “compressor only” workshop, still no samples. “Lofi only”, any fx only…
No contest!

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All worthy challenges to improve the chops. I assume all this effort will be sort of like the way of the jedi masters…old world sorcery gone by the by…some kid will show up on your doorstep 20 years from now with a solar powered octatrack and a lot of questions…he/she/they/it may be on a mission to save the universe from mRNA injections that train your cells to play rhythms (eliminating the need for audible music)…

Max Marco made a great video about using noise as a sound source and utilizing the Comb filter.
I used this video as a walk through and let it hold my hand…
https://youtu.be/DhjEjB7Jgh8i highly recommend it, seems right up thius alley for this sort of exercise…
paging @defenestration

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woah… i didnt catch the No Use of Filter…
thats pretty impressive


Now we are cookin with fire thank you! Im entirely a visual learner so i get what sezare been laying doen so much better!!! And im only 5 min in! Thx VM

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this one flipped the script on me for the OT…
saw it in a new light
Also, in my own walk through, i found the amount of gain applied a bit much and i scaled it back, but i do most of my stuff with headphones, have hearing loss in one ear and im hanging on to what i have left for dear life…

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Lezz go hearing…Hang in there!

That was a mesmerizing sound he got there…that really taught me a ton.

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Love listening to the tracks you’ve all put up!!

Saw Max Marco demonstrate something like this on a youtube video he put up a while back so far as where I first heard of doing this myself, in terms of generating audio to sample. It makes for an island synth but I hope I could also have a half full or so sound card of samples. Endless waveforms but it shows what you can do with this amazing engine they’ve made in sound design/sculpting. Long live the Octatrack Baby!