Collider for the iPad

Thanks very much! I have an A4 coming next week. very excited!

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Awesome…it’s more like my Digitone app btw…a pure sound designer (no pattern population like in Collider)


Don’t know the digitone app because I don’t own one. But sound designer sounds nice :slight_smile:


It seems a very good app but I can not prove it because I do not have an iPad, some explanatory video about it?
Is there any way to export the Rytm pattern to an Ableton clip and keep the notes and P. Locks?


There is no overview video and it’s not possible to export things to DAWs. You can edit / randomize / create P-locks in the app itself. It only interfaces with the RYTM using Kit and Pattern Sysex.


Many thanks for the answer mekohler.


Lowered the price to $12.99


even if it would be 29… worth every penny


That’s a serious bargain for such an amazing app.


Is Collider good with the MacOS Mojave?

It’s only for iPads, not desktops or iPhones

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Thanks @mekohler I don’t know why I even asked that question since I already own and use the app, haha. I was probably confused, since I was thinking about updating my mac. There is a new iPadOS coming soon, will it be safe to update the iPad to that, you think?

It should, although the iPads I have don’t support iOS13 so I can’t test yet :unamused:

One if those convenient ways Apple have to force people to upgrade…
I wonder if this will get flagged.

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Yeah, also annoying since I bought a 10.5" iPad Pro last year thinking I was “upgrading”…of course it doesn’t support iOS 13…

Edit: I guess I forgot that the iPads get their own iPadOS now, so not all hope is lost.

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With the new 1.50 OS, the Pattern sysex has changed so many of the Pattern features are broken…Receiving Patterns won’t work properly, but you can still generate and send Patterns (although Scale Per Track and Tempo are not supported)…No guarantees I will be able to get it to work, as this relied on @bsp libanalogrytm.

Edit: Kit Sysex also changed so “Get Kit” no longer works, although you can still generate and send kits



Anyone have a link to the 1.45B MK1 firmware? I can only find the MK2 version

Don’t have Collider, but I do have the firmware! Keep up the good work :+1:
Analog-Rytm_OS1.45B.syx (1.2 MB)


Update Out:

  • Added preliminary support for OS 1.50 Kits
  • Added Help Menu text detailing what is not supported using the new OS 1.50
  • Double-Tapping any Random Mutes button will unmute all Tracks

If you’re on 1.50, you should enable the 1.50 Kits toggle under Options. Pattern Receive still doesn’t work


In case you haven’t seen my PM: I updated again today and added support for v1.50 patterns (=> fixes the pattern import in my own app).