Cirklon V2

Waiting is tough, I wish them the best of luck with their supply chain issues right now :frowning:

I know it’s low on my hierarchy of needs here but with so much up in the air it’d be nice to have one small thing possible, no?

I had one a couple of years ago. I like the way it models songs with scenes, patterns and instrument assignments. The basic features are immediate because you have 16 keys and encoders and it offers an advanced sequencing layer with features like accumulating values, making one track affect another, etc.
If you have many synths, it’s the best brain money can buy. In my case, I sold it because I prefer the Elektron way of sound source and sequencer in the same box and I didn’t use the advanced sequencing features. I still miss the way songs are modeled and the immediacy of having 16 encoders though.

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Cirklon is about as close to having Cubase / Live / Logic in a dedicated hardware box as is possible, without the audio recording part. Expect that it doesn’t make any sound, and cannot exist on its own, this is by far my favourite piece of gear.


And Sequentix is shipping Cirklons again!


Holy shit!

All these delays are done AND they’re shipping V2!

Thankfully the queue will give me some time to build up enough $ to afford it…

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wow 8 year old sequencer and they’ve only sold 2001 units, I’m surprised!

Serial #2001 might mean that the one in the picture is 001 of the Cirklon 2.


Oh yeh that makes sense! :joy:

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Colin started the C2 run at that number. He runs a small company, which hasn’t manufactured at a large rate of knots.


Probably less. I think the Cirklon 2s serials start at 2000

interesting. I thought they were releasing upgrade kits first, and I haven’t been contacted about that (though I am on the list). so I guess not…

They are but I think they want to get some orders out and then some units for review. I spoke to Colin, and he said you can just buy the upgrade kits from the site at the end of summer/beginning of fall.


This may be a stupid question, but what can a cirklon do that an OT or DT can’t?

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cirklon rear
all them inputs and outputs


64 tracks minimum latency

off the top of my head… instrument definitions. interfaces directly with cv/gate/clock. interfaces directly with analog drum triggers. actual polyphonic sequencing (versus OT where “poly” notes always stop and start at same time). many different methods of parsing through a sequence. intra-track modulation of sequences. better defined and more detailed editing of your sequences, especially when working with multiple events at once. ability to add custom program change events. and much much more… essentially every time you think “I wonder if I can…” the answer is YES.

Cirklon 2 adds a color touch screen and all kinds of other goodies.

basically it’s meant to be the best hardware sequencer you can buy. and it is. OT sequences very very well. but not as well as Cirklon.


I saw that mentioned too.

No news yet and i’m on waiting list for years. The backlog must be huge on this.

The IG thread mentions that they are currently on March 2017 orders and aiming to work through the rest of 2017 “in the coming months”.

I’m honestly giddy thinking about possibly getting my hands on one of these next year!!!


They are amazing and can easily act as the heart of your studio. the clock is the most stable i know of and midi implementation is done via physical serial ports that are part of the cpu itself… ie minimal lag/jitter.