Cirklon V2

Why is it so delayed?

I’ve been waiting since 2018 so yes next year …maybe.

And people thought overbridge was a long wait :slight_smile:


Add the additional postage time too. EU to Sydney premium express post is 4 weeks these days.

They had to pause manufacture while they moved location, I believe.


Moving, wanted to exhaust production on V1s beyond spare parts, wanting a mature product to start out with, wanting a solid supply chain, COVID…

It’ll go faster now that they’ve invested in a better and more scalable process? That stuff takes time.

They seemed to suggest that whatever was holding them back before would now allow for them to get through the queue much faster.


Looks incredible! So cool.

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I totally forgot I’m on the waiting list for this thing


resuming the back orders from march 2017!


Someone wake me up when they get to 2019 :sleeping_bed:


I’m hoping they can get through this queue in a year or so with the new process.

The short version of a long story…
We moved to Berlin in late 2017, intending to keep on using our UK suppliers.
They proved unable to deliver. The last UK produced units were sold towards the end of 2018.
I decided then to discontinue the original unit and start work on Cirklon 2 in December 2018.
It was expected to take 6 months or so.
We were unexpectedly evicted from our office space in January last year, so that delayed the development process by several months while we found another place and moved.
I finalised the ck2 design late last year, and started ordering production parts just in time for a global pandemic to hold everything up further…
We are now achingly close to getting back into production.
Boris, you are still on the list, and well within the range of the first production run for Cirklon 2, if you want one

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I may be misunderstanding the capabilities of the Cirklon, but apart from the unit shape and UI format + the number of ports available on the Cirklon, isn’t the Squarp Pyramid a cheaper alternative that can do just as much and possibly more?

Cirklon has some logic stuff it can do that the Pyramid can’t, Has much larger capability for CV and is probably more stable a clock with tighter timing on its midi and I think, playback direction options and whole bunch more… The Pyramid also has features that the Cirklon doesn’t, it’s a big list of pros and cons between the two and I kind of want both.


Thanks. I’m of the same mind set

I’ll wake you when they get to me, which should be soon now :man_shrugging: I’m not interested anymore. Though, could easily pass it on from Sydney.


Chords more efficient developped on Pyramid. Cirklon is a bit beter in deep midi work than Pyramid. Lot of things can be realised with Cirklon and “Aux” programmators (Cirklon provide x/y/z possibllity of direction that Pyramid can’t afford, à bit like René 2 for modular). Euclid pattern is also possible on Cirklon. The generative form of music seems more deep in Cirklon.
Over all, Cirklon had great facilities for song construction (very efficient song mode). Better construction (like Panzer, since they are installed in Berlin :wink:
But lot of things can be done with Pyramid.
That’s why you need the two (and others…).
Sequencers are the heart of electronic music.


I’ve been looking at novation sl mk3 and launchkey and it seems like other sequencers are catching up to the cirklon … and they don’t make enough cirklon for everyone

Thank you, that is helpful :slight_smile:

I don’t really use Cirklon for chord work. Much easier imo to use P3 mode, for mono sequences.

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This !