Chase Bliss Blooper

Love this performance by Glasys


Had this for a week now. Truly inspiring kit. It’s just me, a keyboard and the Blooper. It’s more a minimalist sampler in pedal format, really.


Would it be theoretically possible for the blooper to receive stereo I/O support via firmware update, or would it require a hardware change? I believe the I/O is already TRS on both sides.

I can imagine performing live with this setup for a long time and not getting bored

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I don’t have the cool to keep such an act going. But yes, conceptually, that’d be lovely.

I’ve done some loops with a Prophet 6 through the Blooper. It’s when you use such a quality instrument through such a nuanced effect, that both really show their true colors. There’s so much stuff going on in a downright proper analogue that just comes out even more, when you apply it through a magical box.


I see that Chase Bliss Posted on their Instagram yesterday that they are close to having session wave file export. It looks to me from the screen shot they posted, that the layers might export individually as well. This would be an amazing feature for an already great pedal.


WOW, that’ll be amazing!

Having so much fun with just a guitar through the blooper at the moment. To sit with the Blooper, Strymon iridium + Guitar and mess around for a few hours, then export the audio out would be perfect :slight_smile:

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I agree, I just get lost looping sometimes. So it would be great to be able to export all of the loops and work with them further, and then be able to clear out the Blooper and start filling it up again.


Sessions too!

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this update looks incredible. can’t wait to check it out for myself.

i absolutely love their pedals. joel is a mad genius! i just wish they weren’t so expensive… i recently saw how much their generation loss collab is reselling for… WOW!


Stupid question, but using the stereo out of a Digitakt or Digitone into the Blooper - Just use a Y cable? All will be OK? (obviously I’ll loose any stereo effect)

Might have some phasing. Give it a go!

Forgot to mention I could only find one y cable in the house. Where do they go!?

Thinking about it, I’d probably only get Digitakt back in one channel…

Touching tweet from Chase Bliss, involving the star of the movie Memento, which I find rather fitting

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export individual layers …
modifier management system …
new modifiers …



Currently live

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Fantastic update. Been here with my coffee all morning, just going through my old loops through new modifiers and exporting shit to the left and right. It’s impossible not to love Chase Bliss. Not that I’ve tried. But if I tried, I’d fail.


New stutter effects remind me a lot of Mood, where you just press go, pick up whatever’s playing and see what comes out of it.

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Love this channel. Like if Knobs got a bit higher than usual and found some plasticine