Chase Bliss Audio MOOD

First experiments with MOOD:
Signal chain is guitar > blooper > MOOD > Iridium

I gotta up my video skills, but audio is direct into Ableton.

Mood all over the loops.
I am kinda performing a slow melodic Pad Backsound.

Here i Show the nice Bit reduction effect of down pitched loops resulting in a felicious brizzly character of the Background Pad.


I sold my Mood awhile ago and kind of missed it, tho I remembered why I sold it. I’ve had the Blooper for about a week now and I think there’s greater overlap between the two than what some might think. The Mood does feel like selected parts of Chase Bliss technology merged into one pretty sweet thing. A slice of their delay, another part of the reverb, and then the capture function from Blooper, and some of its effect algoritms, and the resampling on top of that, of course.

But I would argue that if the Mood’s delay and reverb aren’t crucial to why you’d want it, the Blooper does more along the same lines, and with other kind of options to sculpt your sound. And those spontaneous captures of just small slices can be done with Blooper too, applied with the right algoritms.

I don’t miss the Mood anymore, since the Blooper does all the things I liked with the Mood, but better. However, I didn’t use the delay and reverb much, so again, if that’s important, then the separation of the two makes sense.


Interesting! I have both here, but had No Time yet to dig deeper into the blooper. The Mood is a Texturizer for me. It smears and slicepitches everything nicely, once you hit a sweetspot, and i can even play it. I recently sold some Mutable Instrument modules including Clouds, and for my needs i find Mood a good very Compact Substitute/alternative. The Blooper has some features too, but i am mostly interested atm at the longer Looping Feature with over time degradation tape Simulation.

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Yeah, I agree, the Blooper is great for that, but I’ve found that if you use the Trimmer algoritm on the A side and the Stepped Speed effect on the B side, you get into Mood territory at once. Stepped Speed is close to the Mood’s clock knob. Just punch record and stop it after a few seconds and with those two algoritms running, you’re in Mood land.

I’ve used it to first record an ordinary loop, apply some degrading for resample and then layer one or two more things on top of that, to get some kind of slice of short but complete piece.

Then, I start using the fx to mess it up, resample those a few times and before it just gets too much (it’s very easy to over-process stuff with this one), I’m done.

Last batch of layers is live, I note down A and B effects I can tweak as the loop runs live for temporary effect, note down if Stability would add further interesting fx again and if moving between the layers adds another depth.

I do wish you could delete older layers and free them up, but the flip side of that is that I kind of like that when you’re all filled up, you’re done and you got what you got. The rules of composition are very clear in this one, which helps me finish stuff with it.

And I guess, pointing out that it would be lovely if this one was in stereo, would be missing the Chase Bliss point :slight_smile: so I won’t. But it would be lovely :slight_smile:


I guess I should add that if you get this as a cool looper primarily, I think it’s way too expensive. If you look at this as a looper with an approach to sound processing similar to the SP-samplers from Roland, then you’re in the right place.


Very interesting! I’ll try that! Thank you!

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Recently got a blooper and it’s been very very inspiring to play with. Great for delay too!

Still really want a Mood though but nothing in the UK at the moment and used ones vanish from eBay in seconds.

Think both together would be a great combo but so far very please with the Blooper.


Well I finally got a Mood! Been after one for months but all sold out in UK or going for silly money used.

I’ve spent the day with it and I’ve got to say, it’s the first pedal that’s completely stumped me. I’d struggle to tell you if it was even working right hahah. Good fun, but completely bonkers.

I’m going to persevere, it challenging for sure. The Blooper is a breeze by comparison. Maybe I’m just to tired today.

chucked this noodling together on the guitar (got to watch the clock speed and noise next time) - Mood > Blooper as a Delay > Meris Mercury 7 > Strymon Iridium

Looking forward to trying the Digitakt and Tone through it.


Sounds lush and lovely to me.

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Great moody tracks!

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I Hope to find the time to put the few bloopy Tracks online as well soon. Still learning the differences and how to utilize those between Blooper and Mood


Anyone used their MIDI sync box with the MOOD or Blooper?

The Mood doesn’t midi sync, but the Blooper does. You can sync to different time divisions too!

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You feel the difference between the Mood and the Blooper justifies having the two? I’m using the Blooper regularly and can get the textures I loved from the Mood from it, but I kind of liked how the Mood was just a happy accident thing. Capture something, see what came out. The Blooper is more polite in that way.

But I wonder if I’m not just romantisicing the entire idea and experience of the Mood. I did sell it for a reason, after all.


Ahhh, may need to pivot there.

Another quick noodle here:

Sorry, more guitar…

I have to say the first couple of days with the Mood were a little disappointing. The “now what” moment came pretty quickly. I could see it getting returned. After a few more days it’s quickly becoming more inspiring to play with, as mentioned, lots of happy mistakes and stuff I’d not have thought of.

I have the Blooper as well and I can’t really see the overlap - the Blooper does sort of do some of the sounds but it’s so controlled by comparison. Almost feels a little boring and needs the MOOD in front of it to give you those odd moments. I do love the Blooper for the layers and being able to build a track on it quite quickly - can’t wait for the firmware upgrade to include taking audio out of the blooper!

Now to try some digitone or digitakt through it :slight_smile:


What do you mean there?

What do you use it with primarily? What is the sort of experimental workflow that works better than your initial?

I caved and ordered one of these after a week or so of looking at videos. I’ve been getting a lot more ambient and meditative with my music, often just being satisfied using one synth voice on its own and playing simple melodies or arpeggios, so something like this will come in handy to provide some smeary ambience.

I can imagine making an entire album using this and my Nord Lead, or OP-1, or guitar, or 606…

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Here’s the info on the Blooper and update

Nothing really changed from how I used it at the start, I think I just understand the effects and how it’s going to behave a little better. At the start it felt very limited, now it’s beginning to feel more interesting and usable. I’ve kept it simple with just using a guitar so far, as that’s what I’m more used to. I think you need to play an instrument into the Mood, as you need to react to what it’s doing. Not sure a sequenced piece would work so well - but I could be completely wrong. Guess it depends what you want to use it for.