Can Elektron please start selling MachineDrums again?

I really like it!


ok, you won :slight_smile:


Yes the MD needs to come back. Same engines, same fx, etc but with updated sequencer. No more bs detours like model:samples.

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Funny, I’ve made way more tracks in a month of ownership of that “bs detour” then I ever made with my Machinedrum.

And it’s full of MD samples!

It’s almost as if every tool is a weapon if you hold it right.


This clip nails what I like about the MD
And his improvisation the last minutes is great and sounds like I want the MD to sound :slight_smile:


I am looking at used MachineDrums at the moment and I stumble upon this. I am a bit hesitant to just go ahead because of possible encoder issues. My A4 mk1 developed that within the first year, so count me in with an updated sequencer and endless pots.

Oh yes definitely. Also making more tracks could just mean it’s better suited for you and how you like to make music. However, besides the machine, years of experience in making music can also help.

And samples… yeah MD samples are nice and all, but it’s not the same is it?

Of course it is a bit luck to find a good one.
I have a mk1 UW and it is still doing fine, even the battery…
And ast the power supply is already only a compatible one, I am not afraid of that problem… There are solutions :slight_smile:

Sampling with the MD is special.
It almost always adds some magic, sampling the internal output and do some retrig fun…
It is so immediate. Sampling with the DT is different and you need more preparation.
Nice but different…


Wasn’t talking about sampling with MD, I’m talking about samples of the MD in other machines.

Taking the wide range of sound possibilities of the MD you could spend a very long time sampling and the moment you would only capture a static sound moment…

Maybe we should all sign a petition just to let Elektron know how many of us want the MD and the MM to return. I personally would be over the moon for Digi-sized versions with the newer buttons/Oled display.


Nope… Please make it full size :slight_smile:somehow I do not like that two times eight layout :slight_smile:


they - elektron - are not able to repeat an OT or MD or MnM… (please, Elektron, prove me wrong :)) The code for the old DSPs is pretty much worthless as they would have to program the functions from scratch for an actual DSP… It seems as there is the old and magic elektron stuff and the new ones, which, despite the better effects and the wonderful sequencer are pretty, hm… usual.
I do not like the stuff they made after OT… And I get all the sequencer magic in the OT, that is more than enough for me.
But that lack of development saves me a lot of money, which is nice and I have to get along with what I have… Which is nice too :slight_smile:

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How long is the patent still good for? Behringer probably already cloned it and it’s in their closet along with a Birus and BiniBoog, just waiting to be set free


That Behringer joke is getting old.

And if it’s not a joke, then no they can’t clone as easily as what they’ve done since then, they probably can clone the hardware but without any firmware, it would just be an empty box. And it makes no sense because dsp chips and microcontrollers used in the are probably not in production anymore so they would have to make the software from scratch for a new platform.

Even if they are still in production they would have to reverse engineer the firmware which is even more complex than making it from scratch.


And as software remains in copyright in Europe for seventy years after the death of its author, cloning Elektron devices isn’t going to happen any time soon.


Behringer isnt exactly known for their software writing skills. Quite a bit of firmware issues even with their recent “analog” clones. There’s no way behri could pull off “cloning” an MD let alone OT :laughing:

And speaking of elektron, I think the model:cycles is elektron’s answer to the “MD reissue” question… its the MD, reimagined. It will outsell the og MD by a huge margin, and for many new elektronauts in the making, they will look back the time when they bought “their first elektron” with fondness and nostalghia, just like some of yall did with the MD :wink:


Thank you whoever, I have a bigger imagination :slight_smile:

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Model cycles is FM only right? So it would only be a part of the MD reimagined. Anyway, I found quite a bunch of MD samples for my OT instead that I think will relieve me of this longing… for now.

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