Bought a Nintendo Switch

Yeah, i recently put 40+ hrs into Fire Emblem: Three Houses and I needed my life back badly at the conclusion of it.


Is it that good?

So addictive.

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I’ve never had crack before but I am pretty sure Fire Emblem Three Houses is as close a simulation as one could get. :upside_down_face:

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Wow. Totally missed this one. Interesting…

Oh btw whos doing Overwatch? Frankly I’m astonished they managed it.

I’m not crazy for it but the kid is hyped.


Great world building in this game, never played a full on historical JRPG before but this was exceptional.

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Is that in switch? I’ll have to check it out.

Observer is a lot of fun. I’m running into the exact thing that Zero Punctuation mentioned where all of a sudden there’s actual gameplay that I just wasn’t ready for when I’m already set in a coasting mode.

The game is still really compelling.

I’ll probably play Layers of Fear again after. Hopefully they bring its sequel over to switch sooner than later

Something that might be of interest -

You know the occasional surveys ninetedo send? Completion of them gets you stars. These can be used against games on the store.

Anyway, I was sent the usual email about a game on my list being on offer, and by using the stars I’d accumulated I got the game for 80p. Eighty. Pence.

So instead of using them to buy those kirby wallpapers, store them and use against games!


Unfortunately not, console/pc

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Aw shucks

So far I’ve abstained from online (I don’t know why tbh) but this is bringing me to the edge. I bought a Sega Genesis instead - my first and last betrayal - so never got to sit down with any of these. They add N64 and it’ll be game over. But if the kid buys themselves Overwatch, I’ll give in. Everything for the kids, no?

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Overwatch on Switch!?! I was pretty shocked to see that happen. I play it a ton on PS4. My son will not be impressed if I get it for his switch. :laughing:

“Link to the Past” is an all-time classic and easily my favorite Zelda. Is there any way to just get that without this subscription crap that they seem fixated on pushing?


Unfortunately not.

Good thing I have a Gameboy Advanced pretty much exclusively for “Link to the Past” from back in the day :slight_smile:

Also, Baldur’s Gate will be out in less than 3 weeks I believe for Switch. Super pumped for that!

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I’m in the difficult position of either going Online or remain having never played LttP, the only major Zelda I’ve never played. :unamused:

First World Man-Child Nerd Problems.


@sellanraa I mean, it’s only $20 and you get a grip of NES games and quite a few SNES games, as well as Tetris 99. It’s quite a good deal, and who cares if you “own” these digital copies of the old games. Buy the original cartridges if you want to actually own them, the fact that it’s a subscription doesn’t mean anything at all when it comes to actually playing the games. I also bought the NES controllers that haters said were too expensive, but they’re lovely and work so well. Don’t regret it for a moment.


I don’t have enough life to plan on replaying the older Baldur’s Gate. For as much as I loved them, I need to move on.

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Word on the street is that the GBA versions have worse sound/music. But I grew up playing the GBA version of all the SNES games so whatever.