Bought a Nintendo Switch

Amen. Dark Souls/Sekiro, Zelda and Monster Hunter.

I didn’t buy the new Monster Hunter expansion because 1. I’d have to pay for a few months of PS+ and also buy the game which is more than I wanna spend

And 2. I get way, way into it and can’t put it down… When monster hunter world came out I put like 24 hours into it in two days or something. Yikes.

Great games though. Especially if you’re a dark Souls fan, it scratches that same itch but in a different way.

Any one else hyped for the Link’s Awakening remake? It was the first Zelda game I played many moons ago, and the world it drew me into was beyond anything I had ever experienced in video games.



Just a bit strapped for cash at the moment and can’t warrant spending 60 bucks on it.

Puppies are expensive…


Same. I’m totally down for it but I can wait for a cheap used copy.

A cheap used copy of a Zelda game… good luck!



I can recommend this for those that like their games old school:

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For me, the issue is that it’s a monthly drain on finances for something that I could buy for less than 3 months of a subscription to have access to all kinds of games I’ll never play. It isn’t about ‘owning’ it, but it’s about not getting sucked into the subscription model. I’m not a serious gamer. I’ve had a Switch for about 6 months and have probably played 20 hours total. So yeah, I’d regret paying $20 a month for something I rarely get the urge to pick up. I’m too busy with other pursuits to make it worth my while. That’s why I had hoped to just pay $20-40 or whatever for only Zelda, because that’s all I want.

It’s $20 for a year :slight_smile:

Otherwise I wouldn’ta bought that shit either. I don’t subscribe to PS+ and if I had an Xbox One I wouldn’t pay for XBLGold either…

But 20 bucks ain’t so bad. Too bad they don’t have dedicated servers for Smash.


OH! That’s how clueless I am about the Switch and online content. Well, that’s not so bad then. I guess I’ll give it a try. I haven’t really had a game system since the Nintendo 64 really, so all this new jazz is alien to me.

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It used to be like, eh…not really worth it. Seriously, having as much lag as I did playing Smash was just a travesty. I’d play it a lot more if it had dedicated servers–Smash is one of my all time favorites. And in the meantime all we got were NES games, a bunch of which the dribbled out and were total shit (Solomon’s Key). They just now brought in SNES games and I think that makes it worth the $20 for the year.

Haha yeah for $20 a month I’d be OUT, $20 a year is no problem. I got a lot of mileage out of the NES games on the Switch too, played for many hours and it was fun having them on the go. Now there are 20 SNES games, so it’s a no-brainer. It’s a dollar and 60 cents per month… That’s like, 1/3 of the price of a blueberry scone that you eat in 5 minutes… Playstation Plus is a GREAT deal, you get way better sales and quite a few good free games every year. I’ve been about to buy $40 games before and then found out that that game was coming for free the next month on Plus. My library is soooo full of games from Plus.

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Got Online. Went straight to LttP.

27 years on and it’s still fantastic, even without the nostalgia factor. It just never stops being intense. Those little feet are always flying. Fantastic soundtrack.

I didn’t realize how much I had missed proper dungeons. Fingers crossed they’re in BotW2.


How? That was like the main pull for Zelda for me

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I think cause it’d probably been forever since I’d last played a Zelda game when botw was released. Or maybe I was so engrossed with the open world. Idk.

Either way: bring them back with a vengence! (my theory for BotW2 is there’s been a shadow Hyrule under our feets this whole time.)

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I’ll PayPal you $5 if you can make a Zelda/Stranger Things themesong hybrid :smiley:

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/ turns on Prophet, starts working the arp


i want a switch , but i keep buying eurorack instead. one day :confused:


I want to buy the Outlast bundle, the problem is I’m a massive coward.

But playing the Layers of Fear games has boosted my confidence on horror and enticed me to suspense.

Btw: little nightmares bundle is on sale for ~$10 at 66% off

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If you like your nerves pummeled to the point you can’t walk around your own home comfortably then Alien:Isolation is for you.
