Best Groovebox: Syntakt vs Digitakt

I really like the sound of the Syntakt for drums. The kicks, clap, hats/rides, and analog snare all sound good. Better than I initially thought now that I’m used to layering snares and kicks. The melodic sounds are good in a vacuum, but I haven’t done much with them I’m happy enough with to actually use in a full song.

Try one, you ll be amazed.

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Yeah - it’s good to hear peoples responses - perhaps it doesn’t go well with Youtube’s compression. Thing is I’ve yet to hear anything from it that touches me - DT and DN were immediately compelling to me in terms of how they sound.


Best thing to do is to listen to dedicated Syntakt threads like :


I’m always baffled by people getting burnt out on the “sound” of their Digitakt. Sure, samplers all have their own sonic character to a degree, but nothing you can’t alter with a little bit of EQ and saturation. Then there’s of course the obvious, larger point which is that a Digitakt only sounds like the samples you fill it with. I’ve produced everything from pristine ambient music to tracks that sound like they came off a crusty piece of broken hardware on mine. I wonder if people who say it’s sterile or boring sounding are just loading it with stock 808 packs and calling it a day.

That said I do love a good drum synth, even if the lack of controls on the Syntakt’s many “machines” makes it feel more like a preset browser than a synth at times. You have to get pretty creative with how you approach it to feel like you’re really crafting unique stuff, which ironically I find much easier to do with the Digitakt + some unconventional samples. There’s really no right answer - it just depends on which process you find more rewarding to work with.


It’s not the youtube compression. It’s the sound of the Syntakt. Of course it can go in different directions. But it tends to go into one direction more than into others. If you know what i mean.
I hear exactly what you described before and it takes me a while to get to the sound i like out of the Syntakt. It tries to go into this specific “digital, bland, cold” (for lack of better words) sound territory most of the time and i almost have to fight it to go another way. :slight_smile: I know it fits some people’s flavor perfectly and it’s a great machine but it doesn’t really go into my alley of sounds easily.

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My initial reaction to the Syntakt sound was good, but after a four weeks, I found that it always sounded the same and I became a little bored. I think it would be awesome paired with a sampler, just add some layers.

Sound quality wise, it’s too notch. Sound variety wise, not so much.


Aye - that’s my point - I’ve gone through both threads and found little that I really like. In a sense it’s absolutely not a problem - the DT and DN sound great - I just was hoping the new things that Elektron have brought to the ST would tip me over the edge. I may have to listen in a shop and see.

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I think there are enough high-fidelity examples available (Soundcloud, Bandcamp, direct MP3 uploads) that you aren’t going to have your mind changed by plugging a pair of headphones into a physical unit in a store. At least not sonically.

nobody knows what touches you. harsh noise wall? goa trance?

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I actually suggest you do that, a lot of examples on the webb are a bit ”boomy” and kinda rough, 12 tracks can be quite a lot to fit in the stereoimage. But no stress not liking it, i didnt like the Digitone that much, but im really enjoying the versitility of this, dont think it sounds limited to my ears. And think its more quick to work with than all the other elektron boxes.


Can’t wait to use it with OT !
I can’t say I’m bored yet, but I feel like reaching some limits, and the need of OT for more crasiness…
I need to make a couch stand for them…

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if the digitakt sounds amazing, but the syntakt boring …
why not just sample the syntakt sounds into the digitakt?
they‘ll become amazing as well!



Unfortunately this would just make the Digitakt boring


actually on the digitakt, exciting is as boring as you can get.

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Exciting is the new boring?

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yes, everytime I touch the digitakt it’s capabilities are so exciting and I’m sick of it, honey moon phase last forever… it’s like being in a marriage that you actually like.

I come home and the digitakt is like hey babe how are you and I’m like i’m fine how are you babe and we’re both just giggling and shit lol


A metaphor I can relate to


I think this is pretty true for a sizeable portion of DT owners…its just an $800 one shot player for them.