Behringer RSF Kobol


I think 99% of people who are into electronic music even never heard about kobol :rofl:


Probably right, it’s an amazing sounding rare synth and I’m definitely interested in this. The Black Corporation Kijimi is also based on the Kobol (or PolyKobol)


yeah they are amazing , fortunately I have a friend who has several original units , so I know the original ones sound evillll


GTFO. Really interested in this.


I don’t get why this one has a keyboard attached when all their other monos are modules. Maybe it’s detachable? Looking forward to hearing the demos.

I think this is the reason Behringer decided to make it. Basically Uli is trying to show off to Roman how much better he is at cloning.

Maybe it’s just a bit of a mock up? Looks like the same or at least a similar chassis to the Poly D and MonoPoly. Their keyboard synth are priced a fair bit higher than the desktops so maybe that’s the direction they’re now taking?

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the keyboard is detachable. It detaches itself about 3 weeks after the warranty has expired… :rofl:


I have been looking forward to this. Can’t wait to hear it!

Yeah I don’t see the point of keyboards on these clones, just seems like a waste of space and money to me. But it wasn’t like I’d be buying one anyway :laughing:

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I really do hope that they will release a Polykobol clone later on.



Uli should rebrand at this point.

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Probably, besides the point about Behringer though I don’t need any more analog monosynths, no matter how cheap they might be. I look at it like this, is the synth capable of sounds none of my other gear can make? If yes, is that capability worth £300 or whatever on the few occasions I might need it? Almost always no.

Of course interface and usability come into it too, but generally I’m pretty well covered on that score too.


Sign me up! :sunglasses:

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Just listening to Xils lab Polykobol all i can say is wow! If it can do these sounds this is a major release.

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Things have grown relative the RSF Kobol line-up from Behringer.

Here’s a better picture of the regular Kobol keyboard they are doing. It is out of engineering and is in test, so expect this sometime in the lifetime of a memory.

They are also doing the Kobol Expander.

This one is also pretty far along and likely to be released with the Kobol keyboard.

And, and this one is only at the level of an engineering experiment, so no hard product commit, the Polykobol.


seems to be available for preorder, now. 199 €


There are plenty of CV connections on this, plus it sounds from the description like a fuller MIDI implementation.

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