Behringer Poly D

If it’s like the other Behringer clones and the pots are analog then they won’t send midi at all

It looks like it’s probably a soft wood like pine (or equivalent), something not as expensive as a hardwood, something Behringer could get away with :slight_smile:


That’d be mighty disappointing. Would kill the GAS for sure.

I think Deepmind sends midi over its pots and faders but appreciate that’s not a clone (or clone+ in this case).

This is a relatively trivial cloned detail but having it hinged is nice. Three octave and flattened down makes it portable.

The wood could be reused shipping palettes from all the synths Behringer ships around.

I expect they will have a keyboardless version soon enough.



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I’ll be sticking with the Moog Model D app (which has polyphony). If I needed tactile control, I’d probably get this.


I always wanted one of these but now they cost the same as an actual analog clone im not sure. Model D app is the dogs though

I see what you did there

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Why? The way I see it, Behringer Poly-D is way better choice than an ipad app and a 249€ controller (not to mention the page says only Windows/MacOS is supported).

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Well, it has a nice look!
Anyway I guess it’s closer to paraphony than polyphony.

A polyphonic instrument has filter and envelopes per voice.
This one is obviously paraphonic which means that the four Oscillators can be split to different keys. But everything runs through the same filter and same envelope. Works fine for chords but if you play something that is really polyphonic you won´t get the result that you expect.

I guess it will cost 1,5 Behringers which is a decent price for a synth but the fact that they call it polyphonic is strange to me.


Live link to Sonic Lab review:

I’ll fix the link for regular link later.


Nick says $699 US, it may change. He wants a built in delay.


Yeah, I’m sure I wouldn’t get the controller. I’m happy with my current midi gear. Way better choice? The app doesn’t replace a real analog of course. It just works for my needs. I’m not convinced that Behringer’s paraphony is worth it, but I guess if you really need a budget Model D with four voices on a stage, this is probably your best option?

Yeah, pretty strange.
They’re even calling it polyphonic on their website. :thinking:


Basically he wants a paraphonic Erebus. Makes sense to me.

@Unifono, the loopop video makes the limitations a little more obvious. I wonder if they originally planned an actual polyphonic model D and realized that they would have to charge $1200 for it.


I would be tempted by a 4-VCO paraphonic Erebus for sure. The current-gen 2-VCO paraphonic version is tempting enough.

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Looks priced to compete with the 4-voice truly polyphonic Minilogue XD.

Would have gone for delay over Juno-style chorus too.

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or with their own 12 voice true poly

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