Behringer Eurorack Modular

Cant help noticing the “worn” plug.

Every couple of months I say to myself “should I get into modular?”

Every couple of months I decide “Nah, fuck it”

But Behringer comes around and I think “Hmm, maybe?”

But then I think “Nah, fuck it”


I don’t know… they made copies right from the start. That’s now 32 years copying everybody else. That’s pretty much in their DNA. Some exceptions come to my mind (Neutron, X32, Deepmind, BCR2000, DDM4000…) but that’s what they are… exceptions. Also, they’ve been pretty successful (understatement of course !) with this strategy, what makes you think they would change ?

I think as long as they don’t innovate and only copy, the small eurorack modules makers are pretty safe :laughing:


thats a shame, some thing with music or movies, copy of a box office from the past, same actors, same story, get old pretty soon. Innovation is what keeps your sound fresh and unique.
I mean everything comes from everything but innovation is what moves it forward.

yeah. some interesting points.

But lets also remember not to conflate “lack of innovation” with “blatantly ripping off other people’s intellectual property with abandon” here. the former is lazy, the latter is quite revolting.


This is a good idea. Is it a clone ? Not exactly. It’s the VCO 2 or 3 from the 2600 shrunk down again. I guess i’d have to classify it as an almost complex oscillator. If you’ve ever used a 2600 you know what you’re getting here. Like that they held to the styling of the original. Definitely can mix this with their 2500 stuff too, like that sequencer i just posted.

So i suppose they’ll do the filter next, again shrunk down. And then the VCA, etc.

$100 ! Bring on the complaints and whining.


thats the problem, instead of 2600 it was 420, maybe the sound was better.
my 100 uno synth blows this crap out of the water.

There it goes :rofl:

There’s some kind of masochist behaviour in this company.




I mean… this release should not generate much fuss… a vco of a vintage synth, for which they already have a complete version… but no, they manage to fuck it up anyway. They’re really on another level.


oh, so it’s Adobe’s fault ? ahahah… :joy:


Who’s “fault” it actually is or if the marketing team actually knew who was in the photo will largely depend on one’s view of Behringer. Is it possible they knew? Sure. Is it possible they didn’t? Again, sure. Was it a legal and authorized stock photo to use – apparently, yes.

Seems like a lot of drama from both camps.


Thats the problem, if they put the resources towards making something that sounds nice and new
instead of putting these people making look a likes, maybe the final product could be a cool one,
so many good people and engineers to work to paint copy of Mona Lisa instead of creating something that sounds and looks nice.

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They physically can’t do that. Like spiritually or something, maybe something from the Shadow Realm.

They wouldn’t be Behringer. The very nature of being Behringer implies they can’t do this. The Neutron was as far as it goes. The DeepMind was a mildly improved Juno clone (started out as a more direct clone).

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But did they really?

If good marketing is to create a stir, they succeeded. Again.


Behringer generating drama (because negative attention is good PR) and persons not wanting to be associated with Uli’s drama ops, “both camps”.

If people want to promote B’s synths as “affordable for musicians” that’s fine but their business’ continual shit-stirring isn’t helping how they’re seen.


If the image was licensed from Adobe then Colin has presumably been paid for his image rights when it was licensed (or the rights sold) to Adobe. So I don’t think he can really complain, unless Behringer breached the terms of the license by making it appear to be an endorsement.

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They photoshopped the 2600-OSC into the original photo. That’s not what he was using.

You’ve got to give them credit: they know how to stir the shit.

Edit: oh shit they forgot to photoshop patched outs! :joy: :joy: :joy: I still would not put it past them that it was intentional.


That is what occurred.

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I hadn’t spotted that. Oh dear.