The batteries (there are two of them) are indeed in a holder. To get at them, use an appropriately sized metric hex wrench (2mm IIRC) to remove the six screws along the edges of the top panel. The entire panel then lifts off, along with all the knobs, etc., and the circuit board attached to the underside of the panel.
That circuit board is attached to another circuit board at the bottom of the Octatrack by three ribbon cables, each one of which has a connector at each end. These connectors pull straight out and do not require much force. The battery holder is also on that board.
Given that the oldest Octatracks are only about three years old, and that these batteries last a long time, I am guessing that the problem is grunk on the battery surface rather than that they are actually low. I would suggest removing the batteries and cleaning each surface of each battery with rubbing alcohol, then putting them back. Obviously, you should not put them in backwards
Reconnecting the ribbon cables is a little fiddly because of the tight quarters but not difficult. Good light helps. A lot. If you removed only one end of each cable (doesn’t matter which end), you should have no problem figuring out which way the connector goes. Do be aware that it is possible to seat these connectors so that some pins go into the wrong holes and other pins go into no holes at all. This is obviously a Very Bad Thing To Do.
I make no representations about the effect that doing this might have on your warranty.
Sooner or later all your music boxes with the ability to save settings, patterns, projects etc. will need to have the battery replaced.
When you switch the power off, the battery basically runs the thing so it can keep your saved stuff.
Usually it’s no big deal, tho. Just a matter of unscrew, lift of, unplug and exchange.
On some devices it can be a little fiddly, especially when there’s no battery holder.
I was shopping for an OT mk1, found one for 800 €. The seller called me yesterday and told me he discovered the “battery low” message on startup and so changed the battery.
But something must be wrong because he is still getting the “battery low” message and he has to input the date everytime.
The seller contacted a shop that deals in Elektron machines and they wrote to Elektron.
Elektron answered that there are no real consequences for not solving the battery problem “aside from less convenience”.
Here’s Elektron answer:
“There are no real consequences aside from less convenience. For example, when you save a new project it always suggests the current date, which will be incorrect without the battery. It won’t affect the music-making capabilities of the machine”
Did anybody run into the same issue?
Any idea about this? How much could it cost to have this problem fixed by Elektron?
The manual says that the battery is used to preserve the contents of working memory. So I’m guessing that if the battery is dead, you’ll have to reload from the CF card each time you power it up, and you’ll have to remember to save stuff on the CF card before you power it down.
But I’m surprised that a new battery would still be giving that message. Maybe the new battery was put in backward?
Should have been a CR-2032 and fairly simple procedure. They may have used a wrong battery (a CR-2032 looks the same) or inserted it the wrong way around?
He told me that it could be a problem with the battery holder. It would take some soldering to fix it, but that could result in some damage to the board.
Any idea about this? How much could it cost to have Elektron fix it? And how long would it take?
I was going to buy that OT for 680 €, but now I’m really not sure about buying it at all.
According to you, what would be a fair price for that damaged unit?
I’m accustomed to the OT having whatever project I was last working on already available when I turn it on.
From the manual (page 15):
The memory used for storing patterns and parts is powered by a battery inside the unit. It will hold data at least 6 years before needing replacement. If the battery needs replacement, the “BATTERY LOW” message will appear in the display.
I just did it with the the black edition and there was only 1 battery inside, instead of the mentioned 2.
time needed: 10min, without unplugging anything! It looked very neat inside! Cool!
why would my three month old OT Mk2 suddenly start complaining about BATTERY LOW on boot? i’m scared.
this is the same OT that was dropped a few weeks ago but seemed to be fine since then except for a couple of very slightly off-axis encoders (which i know will need to be fixed when i can afford a new I/O board)
if the battery was displaced somehow/a connection was broken, would it still say “battery low” or would it say something else like “no battery”?? someone help! i’m really bummed