Octatrack 1.40

Will try tomorrow when the fog has cleared…

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The fact that TRC are not taken in account is logical indeed, but I think it’s not the case for TRIG COUNTS as they are heard anyway when the sequencer is running (except with some TRCs! :crazy_face:).


Ah, those things !


This is so so great. It’s so refreshing to see a company update a piece of hardware of this vintage. New hardware release cycles have become so frequent these days it’s hard not to be cynical about the motives for them.

Over the last few years with the, what seemed at the time premature to me, release of the MK2 Rytms and Analog 4s and followed by the Model series, I was afraid that Elektron was becoming one of the those ‘churn-out-the-new-products-to-the-hungry-masses’ companies.

It really is so gratifying to see them give so much to one of their oldest pieces - it casts them in a very good light. A ‘proper’ musical instrument company.

I for one am very grateful…!


:alien: :heart: :heat:


So I did this with the .bin file and like the readme suggested, then rebooted my Octatrack

I hope my Octatrack isn’t bricked because now it just says BATTERY LOW and won’t do anything

I of course backed up my entire compact flash to my computer hard drive just to be safe.

Here I was just posting about the battery low thing. I’m afraid to turn my OT off right now. Will turning it off and on again help at all? Is there any way to maybe go back to the old OS? I hope it wasn’t a mistake upgrading my OS when the battery happened to be low…

Nvm I just restarted it! I was a little scared my Octatrack was bricked…It still told me my battery was low and then it just asked me to mount a set and now I’m good. YAY 1.40!


I had the battery changed on my ot mk1 twice. First time i send it off to Sweden and 2nd time I just did it myself. The battery cost about 2 € and can be easily installed even for a non technical person. Before I changed it the last time I had the low battery prompt showing up regularly for some time, very scary to see that just before starting a live set.

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I don´t now about that
do not install the new OS yet

I had a weird bug when using the Follow TM mode. Or maybe I overwrote the mapping? After changing the midi mode I could still start the sequencer with the keyboard. I changed the Midi Auto channel to something other than my keyboard, then back. Then the keys stopped starting the sequencer.
I need to experiment more about the differences between TM and Map modes. I don’t quite understand the difference.

FOLLOW TM follows active Trig mode, set for all tracks (Track mode, Chromatic, etc)

MAP / TRACK follows the track setting made with MIDI + vertical arrows

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I have a question for those who updated: is it possible to also copy multiple trigs for scenes? Ie. Copy multiple scenes from one part to another…

AFAIK you can select only 1 scene…
You can copy parts, with their 16 scenes.

The most interesting for me would be to copy scenes settings between parts tracks…

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YES! That’s what I was hoping to do…

Oops. Meant TRACKS!

Stupid question probably but do you let the bin file on your card once you did the update ? :slight_smile:

You can do. It doesn‘t do any harm. In fact it might even put you in a position to help a fellow Elektronaut out with an older firmware. I don‘t think downgrading is supported, but such requests are not unheard of.

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Never though I’ll get a reply from Hans Olo. hehe
Thank you :slight_smile:

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I have always left the file on the card. However, one user recently reported that deleting the file solved some problems they were experiencing.


I do.

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was reading the recent fw notes file
there was a part where it said to hold down the “Track Parameter Key” to view the values

what do they mean by that and what key(s) are they referring to??

thank you