Bass synth

Hi there

Can anyone recommend me a desktop bass synth. I make future garage and have a budget of £600. I don’t mind buying used.



In the budget you may consider:

Korg minilogue
Arturia minibrute
Waldorf Blofeld
Moog Minitaur
Erica Synth bassline


Vermona Mono Lancet

I’m not just saying that because I have one in the marketplace :laughing: Killer bass synth

Also the Hades from Dreadbox has just been re-issued, available nowish.

That’s all I’d add to the above list from Sundaybeat, both come in at half your budget.


Digital could work better than analog for Burial type of sound, so Digitone?


Without more constraints this will devolve into a list of every synth ever.


Dreadbox Hades comes out next month, but the Typhon can produce great bass sound, is portable, has effects and patch storage, and is available today.

If you can find an affordable Opsix (or try the VST) you can go bananas on FM bass sounds with it.


Like now that I think about it DN has nice FX built in, and AFAIK Burial esque stuff always has reverb on the bass, right? I think a digital device would be best, at least I would buy one if I wanted to make stuff like that. Then again I think Burial mostly used samples for everything, so a used Analog Rytm could also be a good option.


Yes another good shout! Also the Erebus if in that territory. Nothing quite does bass like Hades tho :drooling_face:

A used AR is always a good option :100:


Yeah man, the dual OSC engine does some very nice bass sounds. Also you can add samples for flavour. I personally don’t feel the need for a dedicated bass synth anymore, altho I love bass synths.

Hades does sound magnificent, might have to get one at some point.


I know, right? These topics are always hilarious to me.

To that end, I’ve never met a synth that couldn’t do bass well.



Analog Four

shots fired…


I’d take the challenge. I want to wade into this particular battlefield 'cos I’ve had an A4 for a couple of months. I just don’t have time to learn it at the moment.

Definitely get something that’ll do FM if you want to make garage. You need that log bass sound.

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I think you must be looking for the ‘ON’ switch.

That’s the one that looks like this: [O I]



P.S. You gotta plug it in first.

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I’m really glad they’ll do a re-issue of the Hades (in the form factor of the Typhon, I think). I would have liked the original form factor, though.

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It’s in Eurorack format (but comes in a powered box), quite similar to the original:

They had a limited run of kits available on Tuesday (retail units available in December). I bought one of the Erebus kits but decided not to buy a Hades. I don’t really know why I pretty much immediately regretted it lol. The Erebus kit is still available for anyone that wants to shave a good chunk off the cost, Hades sold out.


That’s what I like about the Hades : The filter of the Hades is a 3-pole 18db/octave resonating OTA based low pass filter. Its frequency ranges from 20Hz up to 20KHz.

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Yea there are some interesting choices in there - it’s very specifically designed! That filter cuts in just right to give a juiciness that I’m not sure I’ve heard elsewhere, which is coupled with some apparent ‘bass boosting’ circuitry. I suspect making it work as anything other than a juicy-ass bass synth is difficult, but I don’t know why you’d ever want to!

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If you are in UK, there’s still a chance:

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Hey thanks mate! Ordered

It was a blur, it all happened so fast, I didn’t even think, just clicked

That would have been the easiest phishing attack in history haha