Arturia MicroFreak

Émilie made a very mature decision here. I applaud her decision / response. I hope Arturia will be equally mature and come clean about it too.

Less mud slinging, more recognition of what’s really important and respect for those who work hard to create and innovate.


Great explanation of the situation and the response from MI.


Just read this. No longer going to support this product. I love Arturia as a company, they are in my opinion the current leader in the synth world (pigments…wow), but this is a little ugly for my taste.

Yeah for me the marketing did the diametrically opposite of what I assume theyd hoped it would do.

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I’m impressed.
Sounds like it can squeeze out a nice variety of timbres, the filter sounds good to my ears and I’m a big fan of MIs physical modelling algos so having some of those in a synth you can play (chords on) on the sofa is a great prospect.

Shame about the clumsy PR and that f***ing video :face_vomiting: but I’m still excited to have a play.

I own the Shruthi 4-pole mission and let me tell you, that thing screams… This sounds a lot like it… You can really hear Mutable Instruments influence… Im definitely picking this up…

Yeah, it’s a good one!

Great response from MI. I feel like I understand the situation much better now. Still think it’d be wise for Arturia to issue a conciliatory statement as well. (And potentially, fix their marketing, manuals, etc, to accommodate Emilie’s perspective on the matter).



I think I’m going to buy it now.


The demo was particularly terrible. I got no idea or feel of it’s sound at all

Damn this looked good…Until…

When are companies going to wake up to the fact that unless their principals completely align with the values of their customer base, that dislikes on social media alone can kill a brand overnight…check yourself Arturia…you are walking a thin line…“learning” manufacturing is something that some customer will endure, Buggy software until the code is worked out, also something that clients and customers will accept as long as they see you are working on it…But a lack of integrity and a blatant lie…well fool me once…and i will #me too movement the living daylights out of you…Along with anyone else who feels that your marketing dept. don’t care enough for the intelligence of your customer base.

Arturia are piggy backing off the some very original / creative genius brought to the planet by MI…I think knowingly promoting this as a collaboration may have done some serious line crossing here…In short putting the MI logo next to theirs makes them look better, and they are using what respect people have for MI in the market place to bolster up their product.

Making it look like the creative genius that brought you Plaits has been injecting that genius into an Arturia Product…They have zero regard for the MI ethos… and Émilie i must say has a much more expanded and conscious approach to life and business practice based on the responses presented. I was dribbling over this synth until i read this…I will stick with my Braids and Warps and a Studio Electronics SEM filter, maybe even spend that money on a plaits and Midi to CV converter to control it from my DT…then do my own Jesus pose…


Hey hey Open here comin in from the Source, originally from MI.
This synth looks scandalously good!
They better make right or people will have to sneakily snatch these up in stealth as their dirty little synth. Freaks!
Bring in the love so we can get micro freaky guilt free… :smile:


Yea!!! I envy a guilt free performance:



There is now a statement from Émilie on the Mutable Instruments forum.


The promo is appealing
But not to the elektron bois

Didn’t see that coming

…can‘t be unseen.


Ok guys… Can we except this amazing offering? There’s no shade here… I’m impressed by this little beast… Looks like so much fun, I can’t wait to get my hands on her… Believe it!

What would be a minimum feasible setup built around the original MI Plaits in conjunction with a an A4MK2? Asking for a friend.


Add a filter and a VCA, or a filter module with a built-in VCA such as MI Ripples.

EDIT: I would recommend adding at least one modulation source module as well. Something like a dual LFO or a (loopable) envelope.