AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

Elektron usually teases new stuff. How many months did it take from the first leaked pics of those Syntakt display screens until Syntakt‘s release?

Also the shop would let you return said Rytm Mk2, so I really can‘t see any issue. New isn‘t always better…

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I’d like to be able to use a multimap mode like you can in AK/AF and remotely trigger any of the sound pool sounds.


it would be amazing if the smoothing on MIDI input controlling sample parameters (especially start and end points) would be removed.

while it makes sense to smooth external input for sound parameters where it might cause clicking, on sample start and end it just makes for very confusing behaviour when trying to sequence these parameters via MIDI.

Press and hold all menu buttons for momentary access:

  1. while in sample, take a quick look + changes in synth, etc.
  2. while in performance, and holding some pads, quickly change some mutes, then play some notes (some hand acrobacy in this case but well worth it) and revert to performance once play menu button released.
    This new, Ithink, functionality of continued tweaking performance pads held when switched to mute - and back) is one of the killer features of Rytm. Adding the above would further build on that with very little cost.

With all menu buttons you mean, synth, sample, amp, filter and lfo?
Holding one of these is already taken (show numerical values). I like the idea of momentarily switching to things…

New Sample Machines from DT 1.50 on Rytm MKII please! :pray:


100%. The sample engine is the same on the DT and with the slicing the Rytm could become an MPC like thing.
Plus all the other features :slight_smile:


As far as I understood, correct me if I am wrong, you can not set the slice points yourself on the digitakt. Just an evenly spaced grid, which would be kind of sad for the rytm. But who knows even if an update comes at all sometime.


I’m looking forward to buy a Rytm but at this point it really needs to keep up with the digital boxes


Yeah, but at the same time none of the digital boxes can do Direct Jump sequencing (which in my opinion is the most pro feature a sequencer can have), have 12 performances macros, and 12 scenes. As a live performance tool none of their boxes come close to the AR (besides arguably the OT, which also cannot do Direct Jump sequencing).

That is all to say that yeah, I’m with you the AR could use a lot of love, but it does offer a lot the other boxes don’t (especially for live performance, which is the most important aspect for me).

But yeah if those features aren’t as important as say, 2 LFOs, better off with the cheapos.

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Resample in Place.

Bake all of the tweaks and processing you’ve done automatically onto a sample.

Resets the track voice to be a stock voice with sample engine and the resampled sample loaded.

Sound design would be so fluid and freeing.

This would probably be an absolute nightmare to implement given the way the rytm handles it’s file structure.


I wish projects were saved properly. I am very careful to save all changes to individual kits I’ve been working on before saving but still very often upon reopening a project I will find that I have forgotten to save a change made to a kit somewhere. This really needs to be addressed. Saving a project should remember everything in the state it was saved in but that’s not the case with the AR2. It’s a problem.


switchable user option to automatically create a new kit from the source pattern kit when copy/pasting paterns.

its really cool to have the kit paradigm, but it’s also cool to be able to work DT/DN style if needed.

(also on A4 plz plz)


Or when switching to a blank pattern. Behave like “sounds saved with pattern” unless I say otherwise by switching the kit.

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I think the Digis sell more than the Analogs, so I guess that’s where the energy is focused on. And that’s a shame considering the Analogs are the flagships and cost twice as much! Still hoping they will bring new features like the recent updates brought to the Digis.


Not sure if this has been requested, but:

When in any mode that isn’t MUTE MODE, and you hold the MUTE button (as opposed to pressing), it’s almost as if you are entering a quick mute mode, as when you release the button, it throws you into PLAY MODE (in other words holding it makes it momentary). Let’s call this holding of the MUTE button QUICK MUTE MODE. I wish that when entering QUICK MUTE MODE and then exiting, that it would put you back in the mode you were previously in as opposed to throwing you into PLAY MODE.

It’s already been requested that when not in recording mode that the trigs function as mutes when in SCENE or PERF mode, which honestly I might prefer to this QUICK MUTE MODE idea, but honestly my mental mapping of the tracks is so coupled to the pad grid that I think the context switch would be hard to get used to, and this QUICK MUTE MODE idea is so close to being a thing already.


Here’s another one:

I recently discovered that when in TRIG MUTES MODE (FUNC+E), that you can rotate the mutes without rotating the trigs, which is really, really cool (I’m sure I’m not the first to discover this, it’s probably mentioned in the manual or this forum somewhere)! It’s a nice performance trick to be able to move this “mute mask” around. Problem is that when in TRIG MUTES, ACCENT, SWING, or SLIDE, there is a big graphic that covers the screen which obstructs the ability to see the parameters of the currently loaded parameter page. Note that you can still adjust the parameters with the encoders, but you can’t see what you’re adjusting. I get why this is needed for ACCENT and SWING, since those overlays have an actual value you can adjust with the LEVEL encoder, but TRIG MUTES and SLIDE do not, and are things I can perform with (actually I assume ACCENT and SWING can be rotated the same way, so maybe in that lies more performance tricks).

So the feature request:
As a user, I would like to be able to simultaneously adjust and see parameters while in TRIG MUTES or SLIDE modes.

How this could be done?

  • Remove the graphic for these modes entirely. There is already a visual indicator for these modes in the buttons themself being lit
  • Add an option for the above, since this is kind of a “power user” edge case
  • Show that you are in these modes (including the ACCENT and SWING modes this time) by replacing the white bar on the bottom of the screen (where it shows track level and bank:pattern) while these modes are enabled, since that is secondary information. This would allow these modes to behave the same way, and you can show the value for the ACCENT and SWING parameter in that white bar.

For reference, this is what’s getting in my way:

Edit: also will you please make the AR cat hair resistant!?! It’s getting in the way!


I‘d love to have that. Pad mutes is fine, but takes a bit of pressure which makes one handed mutes complicated in some situations, especially when you‘re trying to reach something across the table with the other hand.
A4/AK utilizes the trig buttons for mutes when in performance mode, encoder control macros, trigs 1-6 mute synth tracks, fx track and cv track.

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so that I can blow everyone’s mind with my badass electronic music.

There, now it’s a full user story they can add to their kanban board :rofl:

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They used to shoot down requests like this by saying “Rytm is a drum computer, not a sampler.” But MK2 is a sampler. It says so right on the front.

Those slice modes and Werp would be absolutely boss on the Rytm :sunglasses: